

篇名 高中興趣喜好能否預測大一學習表現:以一所私立大學為例
並列篇名 Could High School Students' Interest Predict Future University Performance? A Case Study of a Private university in Taiwan
作者 趙珮晴(Chao, Pei-Ching) 、余民寧(Yu, Min-Ning) 、莊俊儒(Ching, Gregory)
中文摘要 青少年因生涯抉擇會經歷一段混亂的過程,過程易受學業成就或重要他人影響,日後也可能因為志趣不合而導致鬱鬱寡歡或轉換跑道。具生涯探索指標的標準心理量表,對徬徨的學生或輔導老師而言,都有莫大幫助。本研究目的在於了解大學生高中時期的生涯探索指標是否具備預測大學表現功能,以北部一所私立大學105學年度部分科系大一學生為研究樣本發現:從該科系大學生高中時期作答的量表,顯示高中生要選擇該大學科系就讀,至少要能體會到此領域樂趣才會選擇就讀。無論是大學學系探索量表或興趣量表,文組(第一類組)適配程度較能預測大學學業成就,也以文組(第一類組)「在學」適配對應學類程度高於「退學或休學」。未來建議大學科系和高中端需努力拉近高中想像與大學實際所學,而學生也要參考自己興趣與科系特質適配程度等,希冀減緩大一新生因學習不適應而辦理轉學、休學或退學的情況。上述研究成果可協助高中輔導老師生涯輔導、高中學生認識自己以利生涯抉擇、大學科系招生參考等,並以此提出作為本研究的結論和建議。
英文摘要 Among the many decisions a teenager makes, career choice has considered as one of the toughest decision to make. If a wrong decision is made, students tend to be either unhappy during their college days and/or eventually change his/her course major. Research shows that the use of standardized career inclination tools should be able to help both students and career counselors. The current study seeks to understand the effects of high school students' career inclination towards their future university performance. Participants are the 2016/17 academic year first students of a comprehensive university in Northern Taiwan. Analysis made with the students' High School Interests Inventory and Major Explore Inventory to determine their compatibility with their college course major selection. It hypothesized that students should have some interest in a certain field of study, prior to their actual enrollment in the related course program. Results show that within the liberal arts field of study (first group), compatibility score are able to successfully predict college performance. In addition, the compatibility scores of students in the liberal arts field of study (first group) found between the students who are currently enrolled and performing well as against the students who dropped the course. In sum, current findings shall be able to provide career counselors and high school students themselves information regarding future course selections.
頁次 115-146
關鍵詞 大學招生 心理量表 生涯教育 大學表現 興趣 university admission psychological assessment career education college performance interest
卷期 4:4
日期 202307
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊
出版單位 台灣教育研究院