

篇名 校長領導研究之統合分析
並列篇名 A Meta-Analysis for Principal Leadership Studies
作者 陳殷哲(Yin-Che Chen) 、張毓慧(Yu-Huei Chang)
中文摘要 校長領導需具備專門知識與技能,將教育理念融入學校組織文化中,展現領導行事作為,以影響組織成員,激發工作團隊士氣,進而提升學校效能。本研究立意篩選臺灣2007至2017年指標性期刊中校長領導量化實證研究24篇,以Rosenthal(1991)統合分析法分析個別效果量r值及論文合併後平均效果量。分析結果顯示,在同質性檢定呈現顯著條件下,個人特質效果值為.48、領導行為效果值為.51及學校效能效果值為.50,屬於中高度之效果量,校長領導對於個人特質、領導行為及學校效能均具有正向之影響。據此,本研究建議校長善用正向溝通、正向氣氛、個人魅力、誠信負責及德行修為的領導特質,於外在行為上展現正向溝通、高倡導、有前瞻願景及建構願景、後效酬賞、德行領導、尊重關懷及道德領導等領導行為,提升教師組織公民行為,俾利增加學校的價值創造以及學校競爭優勢,達到學校組織效能最佳化。
英文摘要 Principal leadership refers to the expertise by which the principal integrates educational philosophies into the school’s organizational culture and provides guidance to faculty. Through their leadership, principals motivate faculty, boost team morale, and enhance school effectiveness. This study examined a purposive sample of 26 quantitative empirical studies on principal leadership that were included in the Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index between 2007 and 2017. The meta-analysis method introduced in Rosenthal’s (1991) work was applied to examine the studies’ individual effect sizes (r) and mean effect size. The results indicated that with signifi cant homogeneity of variances, the effect sizes were 0.48 for personality traits, 0.51 for leadership behaviors, and 0.50 for school effectiveness. These fi gures reveal moderate-to-large effect sizes, suggesting that principal leadership is positively correlated with personality traits, leadership behaviors, and school effectiveness. Therefore, principals are advised to apply leadership qualities (e.g., robust communication skills, ability to create positive atmosphere, charisma, integrity, and virtues) and exhibit extrinsic behaviors (e.g., ensuring positive communication, demonstrating high initiating and high consideration, showing foresight and creating visions, providing contingent rewards, engaging in virtuous and moral leadership, and expressing respect and empathy) to encourage organizational citizenship behaviors in faculty, enhance the school’s competitiveness, and optimize its organizational effectiveness.
頁次 126-143
關鍵詞 校長領導 統合分析 領導行為 學校效能 principal leadership meta-analysis leadership behavior school effectiveness
卷期 299
日期 201903
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019030299008