

篇名 核心素养的谱系学考察——基于0ECD的分析与反思
並列篇名 A Genealogy of Key Competencies: Analysis and Reflection on OECD's Perspective
作者 杨惠雯(YANG Huiwen)
中文摘要 核心素养是目前国际教育改革的重要趋势,自其产生到成为主流话语的过程 映射出当代教育改革与研究的基本逻辑和价值取向。在谱系学视域中,核心素养是由特定 思想和实践规则建构而成的历史实践。作为核心素养的出身地,0ECD深受冷战文化与思潮 的影响,催生了特定的“普世价值”和主导研究范式。人力资本、新自由主义、全球化、 知识经济和终身学习等理论思想为核心素养的出现准备了知识论基础,构成了“现代人” 的真理生产机制。基于这些真理性认识,核心素养项目落实为一套规范化技术,对人类心 智发挥着更加全面而精细化的规训作用。
英文摘要 The concept key competencies shows a major trend in the reform of international education. It mirrors the logic and orientation of contemporary educational reform and research in the process of its becoming the mainstream discourse. In the perspective of genealogy, key competencies are historical practices constructed by rules of thoughts and practices. As the womb of key competencies, OECD was deeply rooted in the culture and ideology of Cold War, which produced specific "universal values" and research paradigms. Human capital, neo-liberalism, globalization, knowledge economy and lifelong learning have prepared the epistemology for the emergence of key competencies. These theories constitute the truth production mechanism of "modern man". The program on key competencies implemented as a set of normalized techniques,which plays a more comprehensive and refined disciplinary role on the human mind.
頁次 053-059
關鍵詞 核心素养 谱系学 全球化 经合組织 key competencies genealogy globalization OECD CSSCI
卷期 41:2
日期 201902
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所