

篇名 大學生果報信念量表的建構與發展之研究
並列篇名 A Study on the Construction and Development of Karma Belief Scale for Undergraduate in Taiwan
作者 蔡明昌(Ming-Chang Tsai)
中文摘要 果報信念是國人在進行倫理抉擇與面對生命困境時的重要思考模式之一,對於生 命教育與學校輔導工作具有重要的意義。然而,迄今為止尚未發展出適合文化與 國情的研究工具,也未對國人果報信念進行較深入且系統性的瞭解。基於此,本 研究的主要目的,係建構大學生果報信念的主要内涵,並發展出一套適用於國内 大學生的果報信念測量工具,並進行大學生果報信念調查,以了解當前大學生的 果報信念概況。研究者採用文獻探討、實地訪談及問卷調查等三種研究方法,以 大學生為研究對象,透過傳統文化果報觀點的探討、相關實徵研究的歸納、以及 針對大學生的實地訪談,建構出大學生果報信念的主要内涵,據以編擬量表初稿。 在透過專家審核、預試等程序進行題目的修正與删減之後,形成共28題之正式 量表,並以分層多階段抽樣法進行抽樣,抽取1158位大學生進行調查。研究結 果發現本研究所發展的大學生果報信念量表具有良好的信、效度;我國大學生對 於果報信念中的現世報應、死後報應、子孫承負及創造命運的說法傾向相信;而 對於功過相抵、宗教救贖及接受命運的說法,則傾向不相信;此外,亦發現國内 大學生的果報信念具有性別和宗教上的差異。最後,研究者並進一步根據研究結 果,就果報信念在教育與輔導上的應用與意涵進行討論並做成結論。
英文摘要 Karma belief is the critical view point of Taiwanese in the situation of ethical decision and suffering. For life education and school counselling, karma belief has the important implications. However, there is neither measurement of karma belief that base on the culture, nor systematic examination in karma belief of Taiwanese. Base on above,the main purpose of this present study was to construct the contents of karma belief, develop a measurement of karma belief for college students in Taiwan, investigate the karma belief of native undergraduate, and understand the profile of karma belief of undergraduate in Taiwan. In order to reach the purpose, the researcher used the methods of literature discussion, interview and survey, constructed the contents of karma belief by the examination of traditional culture and interview, selected undergraduate to be the empirical research subjects. The formal Karma Belief Scale (KBS) consists of 28 items, and divided into seven dimensions. Subjects were sampled by the way of stratified multi-stage sampling. A sample of 1158 college students was recruited to finish the Karma Belief Scale. In order to examine the reliability of Karma Belief Scale, the way of test-retest reliability and Cronbach's alpha reliability were used. The Exploratory factor analysis and Confirmatory factor analysis was calculated to check the validity of Karma Belief Scale.
頁次 181-216
關鍵詞 大學生 生命教育 果報信念 果報信念量表 學校輔導 Karma belief karma belief scale life education school counselling undergraduate TSSCI
卷期 51
日期 201804
刊名 中華輔導與諮商學報
出版單位 台灣輔導與諮商學會
DOI 10.3966/172851862018040051006