

篇名 自我調整學習與核心素養教學:以「自主行動」素養為例
並列篇名 Self-Regulated Learning and the Instruction to Develop Students’ Key Competences of Acting Autonomously
作者 徐綺穗(Chi-Sui Hsu)
中文摘要 本文探討自我調整學習(自主學習)與核心素養教學的關係,聚焦於「自主行動」核心素養,回顧相關文獻研究歸納分析,獲得結論如下:一、自我調整學習是學習者監控自己學習方法的有效性,並做包括內在自我知覺的改變和外在學習策略之改變。二、自主行動核心素養的落實,是在社會脈絡中培養一位自我管理的獨立個體,落實個人良善的自我人格發展、發揮潛能,因應變遷與創新。三、自我調整學習與自主行動核心素養兩者皆論述了個人進行認知學習活動的機制,但相較之下,自主行動的核心素養的內涵更包含了身心健康、品德及自我發展的層面。四、對於教師教學建議包括:(一)教導學生自我調整學習策略(二)實施情境導向教學(三)實施探究取向教學(四)採用合作學習的教學。
英文摘要 In a rapidly changing era today, all citizens in every community need to have necessary competencies to cope for all challenges. For this purpose, everyone needs to learn how to learn to be a self-directed lifelong learner, in addition to acquiring new knowledge. “The 12-Year National Education Curriculum Reform” in Taiwan advocates to help students to grow these key competences. This study reviewed related literatures and discussed the self-regulated learning concept and its applications to develop students’ own competencies of acting autonomously. The results show that self-regulated learning (SRL) is a strategy for students to learn. Moreover, it is also a key to expand students’ lifelong learning. For teachers to implement this in a situated learning, to inquire teaching and cooperative learning in class would be valuable to promote students’ competencies of autonomous action in learning.
頁次 101-120
關鍵詞 自我調整學習 自主學習 核心素養 self-regulated learning acting autonomously key competences TSSCI
卷期 22:1
日期 201901
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會