

篇名 自主閱讀:多重閱讀理解策略的教學模式
並列篇名 Self-directed Reading: A Multiple-strategies Reading Comprehension Instruction Model
作者 連啟舜(Chi-Shun Lien) 、陳茹玲(Ju-Ling Chen)
中文摘要 數位時代的閱讀型態急遽改變,學習方式也出現前所未有的變化。學習者不宜再被動地接收訊息,應轉換為主動的資訊掌握者與知識建構者。如何培養學生自主閱讀與主動學習,以具備因應現在生活與未來挑戰的素養,是語文教育與閱讀教學的重點。本文以提升學生自主閱讀能力為出發點,並植基於證據導向的教學研究發現,整合了推論、理解監控與文章結構策略,發展出一套學校及教師可具體操作且系統性的閱讀理解策略教學模式,期能協助學生發展自主閱讀與主動學習的能力,以迎接資訊爆炸的未來。
英文摘要 Because of rapid change of the world, the way of learning has been affected and innovated. Learners do not passively receive knowledge from school, but also actively construct knowledge by themselves. It is a critical issue that students should develop selfdirected learning abilities to acquire knowledge. The purpose of this article is to introduce a evidence-based reading instruction model that facilitate students’ comprehension and learning. This instruction model focuses on three strategies, including text structure, inference-making and comprehension monitoring and provide explicit teaching guidelines. We hope that teachers employ this model and foster students reading and self-directed learning abilities to face the challenging future.
頁次 087-105
關鍵詞 文章結構 自主學習 推論 理解監控 閱讀理解教學 text structure self-directed learning inference-making comprehensionmonitoring reading comprehension instruction
卷期 292
日期 201808
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602018080292006