

篇名 從「公民行動」踐行生命教育-社會行動取向教學策略實施成效分析
並列篇名 Practice of “Civil Action” on Life Education: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Implementation of a Social-Action-Oriented Teaching Strategy
作者 吳芸嫻(Yun-Hsien Wu)
中文摘要 個體的生命是有限的,群體的生命卻可能造就無窮。美國存在心理學大師Yalom曾指出,人們一生中經常感到恐懼的四個本源分別是「死亡」、「孤獨」、「不自由」與「無意義」,而群體的存在卻可能同時解除人類的這四大恐懼。不論國家、社會或組織機構,當個人在團體中,採取有意義的利他行動,生命得到轉化,就能真正感受「活著」的價值。為了達成這樣的願景,研究者運用社會行動取向教學策略來經營通識中的一門課程,課程名稱為「公民行動講•做」,係大學一年級「憲法概要」課程的延伸,開設於明新科技大學二年級選修通識課程中,期待透過賦權,讓學生對生命宗旨產生覺知。本研究從課程經營的角度出發,藉由社會行動取向的教學策略帶領學生實現「做中學」的教育目標。透過問卷統計及量化研究,證實了著重行動導向的教學模式,確實對於提升學生正向生命態度上有具體成效。
英文摘要 Individual life is limited, but the life of the group may create infinite. Though the length of life is limited, the quality of life could be infinite. United States psychologist I. D. Yalom once said, “There’re four sources of people’s fear – ‘death, isolation, un-freedom, and meaninglessness’ ”. However, the existence of groups may at the same time relieve these four human fears. Whether in the State, society, or organization, when individuals take meaningful altruistic action in a group, life is transformed, the value of “living” can be truly felt. In order to achieve the above vision, the researcher used the social-action-oriented teaching strategy to give lessons in general education. The name of the course is “civil action: speaking & doing,” which is an extension course of “summary of Constitution” for freshmen. This course is a general course in social science for second-year students. We expect to arouse the students’ awareness of the purpose of life by empowering students in the classroom. Our course is planned to guide the students to “learn-by-doing”. The teacher is supposed to present the real problems and issues and then lead the students to discuss the issues and find out a solution or carry out a project to make a change on the issues by themselves. Through the questionnaire survey and quantitative studies, it is proved that the action-oriented approach has a concrete effect on enhancing students’ positive attitude towards life.
頁次 073-096
關鍵詞 公民行動 生命教育 通識課程 civil action life education general education course
卷期 11:1
日期 201906
刊名 生命教育研究
出版單位 國立臺灣大學生命教育研發育成中心˙社團法人台灣生命教育學會
DOI 10.3966/207466012019061101003