

篇名 建構中小學「公民遠見課程」之主題軸與核心概念芻議
並列篇名 Construction of the Theme Axis and Core Concepts of the Civic Foresight Curriculum in Elementary and Junior High Schools
作者 陳麗華(Li-Hua Chen) 、葉韋伶(Wei-Ling Yeh) 、紀舜傑(Shun-Jie Ji)
中文摘要 當前許多國家都已經體認到,具備未來遠見的教育想像及思維的重要性,紛紛在課程綱要或教育改革政策中納入未來遠見的教育規劃,我國的十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱中也嘗試納入未來性的精神。為了因應此波趨勢,本研究透過文獻探討、專家焦點座談及訪談之方式,嘗試建構「公民遠見課程」(Civic Foresight Curriculum)中學習內容之主題軸及核心概念,歷經多次的激盪討論與修正後,最終建構出「公民遠見課程」的四大主題軸及十二項核心概念。本研究期盼能拋磚引玉,引發教育現場及學界的關注,作為將來制訂新一輪課綱之思辨基底,又或能為將來推動公民遠見觀念及課程,鋪直革新的進路。
英文摘要 Many countries have realized the importance of educational imagination and foresight and have accordingly modified their curriculum guidelines or policies of education reform. Furthermore, the Taiwanese Government has attempted to incorporate foresight into the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education. To respond to this trend, this research constructed the thematic axis and core concepts of the learning content of the Civic Foresight Curriculum through a literature review, focus groups, and interviews. Four thematic axes and twelve core concepts of the Civic Foresight Curriculum were constructed. This research is expected to attract the attention of the academic community and serve as a basis for formulating a new round of curriculum guidelines. Furthermore, it may pave the way for promoting civic foresight and curriculum.
頁次 097-130
關鍵詞 公民遠見課程 未來永續思維 創業創新精神 全球在地視野 社會設計行動 Civic Foresight Curriculum futures and sustainable thinking entrepreneurship global perspective social design action TSSCI
卷期 14:1
日期 202104
刊名 教科書研究
出版單位 國家教育研究院
DOI 10.6481/JTR.202104_14(1).04