

篇名 中小學學校治理:運作機制、實施困境與改進策略
並列篇名 School Governance in the Primary and Secondary Schools: Operational Mechanism, Challenges and Strategies for Enhancing Governance Effects
作者 林雍智(Yung-Chih Lin) 、吳清山(Ching-Shan Wu)
中文摘要 學校治理概念係因應教育的民主化、分權與自治改革來的新觀念,且隨著全球化的影響,亦已成為臺灣中小學學校經營發展的主流趨勢。在學校的運作中,校長、教師、家長或社區居民等學校內、外部的利害關係者透過協作關係參與學校決策及各項校務,此不僅改變學校內既有的權力結構,也重新定位學校的角色和功能。然臺灣中小學的利害關係者在參與校務下形成的正式治理機制,卻因法規規範的不周全、各種委員會功能的疊床架屋、校長權責不清等因素,導致學校經營面臨極大的挑戰。本文主旨乃從學校治理的概念談起,再分析臺灣中小學學校治理之運作機制並探究其治理所面臨的困境,最後提供若干改進策略,期以增進治理成效、協助學校順利經營並發揮學校治理之價值。
英文摘要 The concept of school governance is a new perspective from the reforms on democratization, decentralization and autonomy in education. It has been affected by gobalization and also become one of major trends on recent primary and secondary schools management innovations in Taiwan. Within the operation of school governance, the principle, teachers, patents as well as community residents, which also called as the stakeholders participating school decisions and affairs by collaborating relationships. That kind of participation not only changed the existing power structure in the school, but also repositioned the role of the school. However, due to the imperfections of laws and regulations, the overlapping of the function in the various committees, the unclear responsibilities and authorities of the principle as well as other factors, the formal governance mechanisms formed under stakeholders’ participatory were interfered that school management were forced to face great challenges. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to discuss the concept of school governance fi rstly, then to explore the diffi culties that school governance faced by analyzing the operational mechanism of school governance in Taiwan. Finally, this paper provides some strategies for enhancing the governance effects to assist school management smoothly and to exert the value of school governance.
頁次 004-018
關鍵詞 治理模式 教育民主化 學校治理 governance models democracy in education school governance
卷期 290
日期 201806
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602018060290001