

篇名 全速前進之STEAM教育:藝術(Arts)融入STEM的效益
並列篇名 Full STEAM Ahead: The Benefi t of Integrating the Arts into STEM
作者 何佳瑞譯(Translation by Lenehan, Katia)
中文摘要 “Full STEAM Ahead: The Benefi t of Integrating the Arts into STEM,” by Michelle H. Land, 2013, Procedia Computer Science, 20, pp. 547-552.
許多具有前瞻性的官員、教育家和專業人士皆有意於強化教育的平台,以更好地培 育學生分析和創造性思維。傳統的STEM(包括科學(Science)、科技(Technology)、 工程(Engineering)、數學(Mathematics))等學門,聚焦在融合技能之上,而藝術 類學門則聚焦在分殊技能之上。若是能同時擁有執行這兩種技能的能力,便可促進國 家的全球競爭力。根據「新美國經濟夥伴關係組織」(Partnership for a New American Economy)一項稱之為「別來美國」的研究顯示,在美國出生的大學生對於STEM的學 習普遍興趣缺缺。STEM學門的工作市場需求以快於其他經濟領域三倍的速度在成長, 但卻只有4.4%的大學學生入學,造成了有品質之高科技人才極度缺乏的現象。教育不 僅僅要培育解決問題的技巧,也要培養學生尋找問題的技巧,這樣才能維持學生的學習 興趣。做為一位對於STEM有興趣的藝術教育者,作者將綜述在STEM中的主要主張, 合理地思考藝術融入STEM的價值,並且進一步探討目標導向的評估(objective driven assessment),評價學生增加讀寫能力的機會,並提供理論應用於實踐中的案例,以使人們朝向STEAM全速前進。
英文摘要 There is growing interest amongst forward looking public officials, educators, and professionals in enhancing the education platform to better prepare students for both analytical and creative thinking. Traditional STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) degrees focus on convergent skills whereas art degrees focus on divergent skills. Having the ability to execute both at scale can better position our nation for global competitiveness. A study by the Partnership for a New American Economy, called Not Coming to America, demonstrates the lacking interest of STEM in undergraduates throughout American born citizens. With a STEM job market increasing three times faster than the rest of the economy, and only 4.4% of American undergraduates enrolled in STEM programs, there is a huge shortage of qualified high-tech workers. Education must foster not only problem solving skills but also problem seeking skills all while maintaining the interest of the students. The author, an art educator with STEM interest, will summarize the major initiative in STEM, rationalize the value of arts integration, discuss objective driven assessment, evaluate literacy opportunities, provide examples of taking theory to practice, and challenge the audience to go full “STEAM” ahead.
頁次 110-120
關鍵詞 21世紀技能 目標導向的評估 從STEM到STEAM(科學、科技、工程、藝 術和數學) 教育 創造性 發明 藝術融合 讀寫能力 21st century skills objective driven assesment STEM to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) education creativity innovation arts integration literacy
卷期 281
日期 201709
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602017090281009