

篇名 當前教育專業倫理的思索:挑戰與對策
並列篇名 The Challenges and Strategies of Professional Ethics in Education
作者 吳清山(Wu,Ching-Shan)
中文摘要 教育專業倫理係維繫教育和學校有效運作的一股重要力量,隨著社會變遷和時代發展,傳統教育專業倫理已面臨到嚴重挑戰。本文旨在探究當前社會中教育專業倫理遇到的挑戰與對策,首先闡釋教育專業倫理的意涵與功能,其次分析教育專業倫理面臨的挑戰,最後提出教育專業倫理未來採行的對策,包括充實校長專業倫理知能、善用領導智慧等五項策略。
英文摘要 Professional ethics in education play a role to keep school management effective. With the development of society, traditional ethics in education have been facing serious challenges. The purpose of this paper is to explore the challenges and strategies of ethics in education in current society. First, it explains the meaning and function of ethics in education. Secondly, it analyzes the challenges. Finally, it presents 5 new strategies for the future, including the enrichment of principals’ ethics in education and making good use of leadership wisdom, etc.
頁次 004-017
關鍵詞 教育專業倫理 領導智慧 professional ethics in education leadership wisdom
卷期 272
日期 201612
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602016120272001