

篇名 美國公立大學校長評鑑制度之探討
並列篇名 A Study of the University President Evaluation System for the Public Universities in the United States of America
作者 蘇錦麗 、鄭淑惠
中文摘要 我國於2005年12月28日頒布實施之新修訂《大學法》中,首次規定教育部及各地方政府教育處(局)應於其所屬公立大學校長聘期屆滿十個月前進行評鑑,結果做為大學決定是否續聘之參考。教育行政主管機關如何發展一套完善的評鑑制度,成為現階段值得探究的問題。美國正式實施大學校長評鑑制度,起源於1971年的耶魯大學,發展至今,已在各公、私立大學(系統)間廣為實施。因此,本研究採用文件分析法,探討美國公立大學校長評鑑制度的發展、內涵與實務,以收「他山之石,可以攻錯」之效。本研究主要發現為:一、美國公立大學校長評鑑制度之興起,主要受到教育評鑑發展,以及大學教育品質與績效責任益受重視的影響,目前分為年度與多年期兩種,且多數大學校長與董事會皆對此制度持正向態度;二、美國公立大學董事會負有聘任與評鑑校長之責,此種作法頗符合人力資源發展與管理的精神,故此制度旨在確定與改善校長的辦學績效,並增強大學治理的功能;三、美國公立大學校長評鑑制度之實施,在作法上有其特色與待改進之處。最後提出建議,以供我國規劃、實施及評鑑公立大學校長評鑑制度之參考。
英文摘要 The Revised University Law that was reauthorized on December 28, 2005 requires that public university presidents be evaluated by the educational administration authorities ten months before their current term ends. The evaluation report serves as a reference for the university to determine its presidency reappointment. It is therefore essential to develop a sound president evaluation system for public colleges and universities. The United States of America has initiated president evaluation at Yale University since 1971, and president evaluation has become common practice for both public and private higher education institutions. This study used the method of document analysis to investigate the theory and practice of the president evaluation system for public universities in the USA. Research results indicated: (1) The idea of president evaluation accorded with the trend of educational evaluation as well as the quality assurance and accountability of higher education in the USA. Most university presidents and governing board members had a positive attitude towards the university president evaluation system. (2) University president evaluation was a responsibility of the university governing board. Its purpose was to assure and improve the president’s performance and enhance the institution’s governance. (3) President evaluation was a distinctive feature of higher education in the USA, but it still had room for improvement. Based on the results, the study made some suggestions regarding planning, implementation, and evaluation of the university president evaluation system in Taiwan.
頁次 059-091
關鍵詞 大學校長評鑑 大學校長評鑑制度 美國公立大學 public colleges and universities university president evaluation university president evaluation system TSSCI
卷期 15:1
日期 201202
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所
DOI 10.3966156082982012021501003