

篇名 校園安全觀感與國小學生數學及科學學業成就之相關研究
並列篇名 A Study of the Correlation Between Perceptions of School Safety and Elementary Students' Mathematics and Science Performance
作者 李懿芳 、江芳盛 、蔡佳燕
中文摘要 學校效能理論認為安全的校園是提升學習表現的關鍵因素之一,惟國內鮮少運用實證資料加以檢視。本研究分析學生及校長校園安全觀感的相關,並檢驗其對學生學業成就的解釋力。資料來源為TIMSS 2003台灣小學四年級149所學校共4,634名學生,分析方法以階層線性模式為主。結果發現,學生個人及平均知覺的校園安全觀感對於數學及科學學習成就的解釋力統計考驗達顯著水準,其數值分別在1%至4%之間,支持校園安全程度影響學生學術表現的論述;但校長回應的校園安全感對於學習成就之解釋力未達顯著;最後進行討論並提供相關建議。
英文摘要 This study aimed at analyzing the correlation between students' and principles' perceived school safety, then examining the impact of such perceptions on performance. The sample was 4,634 fourth-grade students in 149 elementary schools, and the tests they took were IEA's TIMSS 2003. A statistical technique called HLM was utilized to analyze the data for both student- and school-levels. The results indicated that after controlling for confounding variables, the perceived school safety of students had a significant influence on student's achievement, while principals' perception did not.
頁次 099-128
關鍵詞 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) perceived school safety elementary education academic performance 學習成就 國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查 校園安全觀感 初等教育 TSSCI
卷期 35
日期 201012
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系