

篇名 主動危機管理在學校行政決定之應用
並列篇名 Th e Application of Active Crisis Management on School Administrative Decisions
作者 紀佳琪(Chi, Chia-chia) 、林坤燦(Lin, Kun-can) 、蕭國倉(Shiao, Kuo-chang)
中文摘要 本文以文獻分析探究危機及危機領導的意義、特性,並應用研究者親身體驗的幾則有關校園危機管理實例,剖析危機領導的實際運作內涵,最後說明危機領導在學校行政決定之應用策略,作為領導者未來在學校危機處理之參考準則。
英文摘要 Th is study is to investigate the meanings and characteristics of crisis and crisis leadership based on literature. Besides, the study analyzes the practical operation of crisis leadership with a number of the researchers’ self-experiences regarding school management crisis. Finally, the study illustrates applying strategies on crisis management of school administrative decisions as a further reference for school leaders.
頁次 149-169
關鍵詞 主動危機管理 學校行政決定 Application of Active Crisis Management School Administrative Decisions
卷期 75
日期 201109
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會