

篇名 十二年國民基本教育先趨方案:高職優質化輔助方案推動成效之研究
並列篇名 A Study of the Effectiveness of Implementing High Quality Assisting Programs in Vocational High Schools
作者 郭義汶 、梁滄郎 、李金泉 、梁碧芬
中文摘要 本研究旨在探析高職優質化輔助方案之推動成效,透過問卷調查以建立高職優質化的衡量指標,結果共得六個因素,分別為行政效能、課程發展、教師專業、學生學習、技藝教育、就近入學等,並藉由不同背景變項推估高職優質化之推動成效,統計分析結果發現:一、私立高職辦理高職優質化方案的表現顯著高於公立學校的表現;二、推動高職優質化方案後,不會有城鄉差距之現象發生,即可減緩城鄉差距之問題,因此,可更穩固推動十二年國民教育的基礎;三、學校規模愈大,高職優質化推動成效愈佳,例如學校規模大之學校,在「學校行政效能提升」、「學校本位課程發展」、「教師教學專業發展」、「學生多元學習」等指標方面,皆顯著高於學校規模小者;四、教師兼行政者則認為在「學校本位課程發展」及「學生多元學習表現」兩種指標的看法,顯著高於未兼行政職的教師。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of implementing high quality assisting programs in vocational high schools, a preliminary scheme for the upcoming twelve-years compulsory education. Through a questionnaire survey, we were able to construct six indicators for evaluating the quality of vocational high schools: administrative efficiency, curriculum development, teacher profession, student learning, technical education, and nearby schooling. Four main findings were obtained. First, the effectiveness of implementing high quality assisting programs in private vocational high schools was significantly higher than that in public vocational high schools. Second, after implementing high quality assisting programs in vocational high schools, the gap between urban and rural schools disappeared; the implementation of high quality assisting programs in vocational high schools can thus provide a solid foundation for the upcoming twelve-years compulsory education. Third, the larger the school, the better the implementation; more specifically, large schools were significantly better than small schools in “enhancing administrative efficiency”, “developing school-based curricula”, “developing teacher profession”, and “providing students with greater diversity in learning”. Fourth, teachers with administrative duties rated “developing school-based curricula” and “providing students with greater diversity in learning” significantly higher than teachers without administrative duties.
頁次 093-121
關鍵詞 十二年國民基本教育 高職優質化輔助方案 high quality assisting programs in vocational high schools twelve-years compulsory education TSSCI
卷期 15:1
日期 201202
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所
DOI 10.3966156082982012021501004