

篇名 我國終身學習的發展困境與因應策略
並列篇名 Exploration on the problems and solutions of lifelong learning Development in Taiwan
作者 吳明烈 、李藹慈 、賴弘基
中文摘要 本文旨在探討我國終身學習的發展困境與因應策略,全文首先探討我國終身學習的發展困境;其次分析我國終身學習發展困境的形成背景因素;再則提出我國推展終身學習的因應策略,進而實現學習社會的願景。\n整體論之,我國終身學習的發展困境,包括各項政策方案實施成效仍有待強化、缺乏策略性規劃、欠缺事權統一之專責常設機構、各單位的協調與聯繫仍待加強、缺乏系統性的終身學習推展成效評鑑、成人教育專業人才仍然缺乏、整體成人終身學習的經費偏低、終身學習機會與管道仍不夠普及且存在著階級族群及城鄉落差、數位學習之整體配套措施亟待加強等。我國終身學習發展困境的形成背景因素,則涵蓋了終身學習政策受政治生態影響、政府部門對終身學習的認同與重視仍為不足、經濟狀況不佳影響民眾終身學習參與意願、終身學習未蔚為風氣、國人之終身學習素養有待提升等要項。針對終身學習發展過程中,所面臨的各項困境與形成因素,我國今後推展終身學習的因應策略,允宜從透過標竿學習以改進本土終身學習運作實務、回應與創造終身學習需求、建立整合機制以型塑全民終身學習網絡、積極培育國人終身學習素養、加強弱勢族群與文化不利者之終身學習以縮短學習落差、提供獎勵措施以激勵個人及組織持續學習、以數位學習平衡終身學習落差等層面著手。
英文摘要 This paper aims to explore the problems and solutions of lifelong learning development in Taiwan. The purpose of this study has threefold: (1) to identify the problems of lifelong learning development, (2) to analyze the causes of problems in lifelong learning development, and (3) to provide strategies for improving lifelong learning development and furthermore to build up a learning society. The problems of lifelong learning development in Taiwan include low effectiveness on executing lifelong learning policy, lacking strategic planning, lacking a permanent central institute to organize lifelong learning activities and related issues, lacking communications among organizations that manage lifelong learning activities, lacking systematic evaluation methods to assess the effectiveness of lifelong learning implementations, lacking adult education professionals, and lacking sufficient budget to run lifelong learning activities. Also, this study finds out that lifelong learning opportunities and channels are not prevalence, and unequal access to lifelong learning opportunity exists because of different social status, ethnic groups, and living areas. Moreover, integrating e-learning into lifelong learning still needs improvement.The causes of problems in lifelong learning development in Taiwan can be summarized into five points; (1) The lifelong learning policy is influenced by political sphere; (2) Government officials do not adequately recognize and understand the importance of lifelong learning; (3) People have low motivations to participate lifelong learning activities because of declining economic situation in general; (4) Lifelong learning concepts are not popularly accepted by people; (5) Individuals’ lifelong learning ability needs to be improved. Based on the above-mentioned problems and their causes, this paper suggests the following strategies and solutions for improving lifelong learning development in Taiwan. (1) Benchmarking learning can be an effective solution for improving practices of lifelong learning; (2) Creating opportunities to respond peoples’ lifelong learning needs; (3) Building up an integration system to strength lifelong learning network; (4) Cultivating peoples’ lifelong learning skills starting from the mandatory education stage; (5) Shortening the learning divide, especially for those disadvantaged minorities; (6) Offering rewarding plans to encourage people who are continually engaging in lifelong learning; (7) Using e-learning to minimize the digital divide among people.
頁次 013-025
關鍵詞 終身學習 終身學習者 學習社會 lifelong learning lifelong learner learning society
卷期 666
日期 201012
刊名 台灣教育
出版單位 台灣省教育會