

篇名 教師專業學習社群於推動適性教育之運作:以一所私立高中特色課程規劃為例
並列篇名 The Practice of Teachers’ Professional Learning Community for Promoting Adaptive Education: The Feature Curriculum Planning of a Private High School as an Example
作者 簡梅瑩( Chien,Mei-Ying) 、孔令堅(Kung,Ling-Chien )
中文摘要 十二年國民基本教育在能達成適性教育,學校及教師是推動與落實此理念之關鍵影響者。教師身為反省實務工作者,除需持續評估自我教學及影響,也需能因應教育政策與改革,持續增能相關教學專業知能。教師專業學習社群能藉由同儕合作與支持模式,提供教師反思自我教學及持續專業成長;教師並能於此對話與反思歷程中,共同凝聚教學改變與創新之信念。研究者以一所私立高級中學之教師專業學習社群所規劃實施之特色課程為案例,藉由蒐集課程規劃相關文件、及訪談校長與兩位教師之資料整理分析結果,介紹其推動適性教育之功能與運作方式、及結合適性教育理念之特色課程規劃與內容。研究結果發現:一、教師專業學習社群以同儕對話及支持方式,協助教師參與並落實適性教育;二、特色課程以「適性」及「揚才」為目標,發展學生自我探索與自主學習能力。
英文摘要 The purpose of 12-year compulsory education is to advocate adaptive education, and the school and teachers are the key factors for promoting and implementing this educational ideology. Teachers, as selfreflective practitioners, should devote themselves to an on-going selfevaluation of teaching as well as enhancement of professional knowledge and skills to adapt to the new educational policies and reforms. Teachers’ professional learning community, with the use of peer cooperation and support model, will provide an avenue for helping teachers to reflect on their own teaching and proceed their professional growth; teachers will also be able to develop a mutual belief in teaching innovation and change from involving into peer dialogues and a self-reflective process. This research, focusing on the feature curriculum planned and implemented by one teachers’ professional learning community at a private high school, is to explore the accomplishments and practice of this professional learning community for promoting adaptive education. The data used for analysis included the colletion of curriculum planning documents and interviews with the school principal and two teachers; it was found: 1. The teachers’ professional learning community has made use of peer dialogues and support for helping teachers to take part in the implementation of adaptive education; 2. The purposes of feature curriculum are addressed on “adaptive learning’’ and “excellent performance’’ for helping students to develop the skills of self-exploration and learning autonomy.
頁次 146-165
關鍵詞 十二年國民基本教育 特色課程 專業學習社群 適性教育 12-year compulsory education feature curriculum professional learning community adaptive education
卷期 101
日期 201601
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.3966/160683002016010101008