

篇名 SPOC:基于MOOC的教学流程创新
並列篇名 SPOC: MOOC-based Innovation of Teaching Processes
作者 贺斌(He, Bin) 、曹阳(Cao, Yang)
中文摘要 SPOC是Small Private Online Course的缩写,即“小众私密在线课程”。利用文献研究法,该文重点分析SPOC的基本内涵、价值取向以及SPOC与MOOC的关系。研究认为,SPOC是对MOOC的继承、完善与超越,它能够把优质MOOCs资源与课堂面对面教学的优势有机结合起来,实现对教学流程的重构与创新。在文献分析与实践经验的基础上,该文创造性地提出了基于SPOC的“时间——空间——学习形式”的关系结构,用来指导SPOC在学校教学中的实际应用;同时,还要加强以学习科学研究来引领SPOC教学;利用案例分析法,剖析伯克分校“软件工程”SPOC的发展脉络与关键做法;最后,总结了SPOC的六大显著优势,可作为基于MOOC的教学流程创新实践的重要抓手。
英文摘要 SPOC is an acronym for Small Private Online Courses. Taking literature research, this paper analyses the basic connotation and values orientation of SPOC, and explores the relationship between SPOC and MOOC. Results show that SPOC can make highquality MOOCs fused together with the advantages of face-to-face instruction to realize reconstruction and innovation of teaching processes. Thus, SPOC is usually considered as inheritance, improvement and transcendence of MOOC. Based on literature analysis and teaching experience, the SPOC-based time-space-learning style structure is proposed to guide how to make good use of SPOCs in school settings. Moreover, learning sciences should play a critical role in SPOC instruction. With case study, we have had an insight into the key measures of UC Berkeley SPOC Software Engineering. Finally, six advantages of SPOC are put forward as the main catchpoints for MOOC-based innovation practice of teaching processes.
頁次 022-029
關鍵詞 MOOC SPOC 慕课 开放 私密 大规模 在线课程 短视频 Keywords:MOOC SPOC Open Private Massive Online Course Short Videos CSSCI
卷期 338
日期 201503
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社