

篇名 反霸凌政策之分析與改進建議
並列篇名 Analyzing Anti-bullying Policies in Taiwan
作者 陳利銘 、鄭英耀 、黃正鵠
中文摘要 校園霸凌對青少年學業及身心發展危害甚深,如何降低校園霸凌問題早已成為心理、教育研究議題,更是社會關注的共同焦點。本文以文獻分析法進行研究,目的在對教育部自2006年起推動的反霸凌政策進行分析,並提出改進建議。結果發現,反霸凌政策的優點在於建立跨中央與地方的平台,並整合教育/警政/司法的力量;能為反霸凌安全學校提供財政上支持;將旁觀者納入輔導等。然反霸凌政策似有部分待調整處,包括:霸凌與暴力概念的混淆;查察方式的不足;處理方式的侷限;反霸凌安全學校要點的問題;缺乏適切的教師專業訓練等。文末對上述困境提出五點綜合建議,包括:明訂校園霸凌定義及類別;通報及評鑑可採用多來源法;並用規定—處罰取向及問題解決取向來處理各類霸凌行為;整合學校、教室、個人與家庭層級的措施並符應當地脈絡;修訂反霸凌安全學校要點等。
英文摘要 Bullying at secondary schools has become a central issue for educational studies and public debate in Taiwan. School bullying can imperil adolescents’ academic performance and cause some mental or physical disorders. This paper analyzed the antibullying policies operating by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan since 2006, and proposed suggestions for these policies. This paper first addressed the strengths of the current anti-bullying policies, including 1. close cooperation mechanism established by central and local authorities and integration of educational and juridical resources; 2. strong financial support for executing anti-bullying policies; and 3. proper counseling for bullying witnesses. This paper then discussed the shortcomings of the existing policies and their practices in these aspects: 1. the confusion over the borderline between violence and bullying; 2. inadequacy of reporting system; 3. insufficiency of coping strategies; 4. the lack of professional training for educators to handle school bullying incidents. In conclusion, the paper proposed suggestions for the Ministry of Education on its anti-bullying policies: 1. further defining and categorizing school bullying; 2. applying multiple informant methods to reporting school bullying cases and evaluating effects of anti-bullying policies; 3. adopting rule-sanction and problem-solving approaches to handle bullying behaviors; 4. integrating school / classroom / personal / family measures according to local contexts; and 5. making amendments to Anti-Bullying Safe School Stipulations.
頁次 1-25
關鍵詞 反霸凌 政策分析 校園霸凌 教育政策 anti-bullying educational policy policy analysis school bullying TSSCI
卷期 13:3
日期 201008
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所