

篇名 智慧與領導:高等教育場域中的經驗學習
並列篇名 Wisdom and Leadership: Experiential Learning in Contexts of Higher Education
作者 楊世英
中文摘要 智慧與領導都能增進人類美好生活與社會進步,然而,既有文獻對這兩者的關聯,尤其是智慧如何透過領導經驗來發展的研究並不多見。本研究之主要目的在於探討高等教育場域中,領導者領導經驗之學習,以及領導經驗學習與智慧的關聯。本研究針對資歷和性質不同的八位領導者,進行四次分別間隔六至八週的半結構訪談,以及在相隔一年10個月後的追蹤調查訪談,佐以針對訪談內容之分析與智慧評分,並且與跟隨者經驗學習之比對,來探究領導經驗學習的內涵,以及其與智慧的關聯。研究結果顯示,在高等教育場域中,個體透過領導經驗可以獲得豐富且獨特的學習,這些學習包含在知識上增廣見聞、在技能上學會有效增進組織的凝聚力、在人際上領悟到需要為自己的作為對組織及成員負起責任,以及從觀察他人或透過別人的回饋進而得到自我之借鏡與反思,並形塑對未來的期許。這些領導學習內涵包含智慧的核心要素,也被多位評分者認定與智慧有關。研究並發現,領導經驗學習往往藉由替組織發聲或辦活動、處理組織問題及負面事件,或是面臨會議中溝通不利等情境而引發。
英文摘要 Both wisdom and leadership are important for cultural advancement at the social level and the quality of life at the individual level. A review of literature suggests that what leaders learn from leadership experiences can facilitate the development of wisdom. However, few studies explored learning leaders acquired from their leadership experiences or its relationship with wisdom, particularly in contexts of higher education. The present study examines within the context of higher education: (1) what leaders learn from leadership experiences; and (2) how is such learning related to wisdom. Four successive semi-structured interviews and one follow-up interview after one and half years were conducted to each of the eight leaders nominated by their followers. Learning gained from leadership experiences was extracted after interview transcripts were analyzed by three analysts. Results show that leaders in the context of higher education gain rich and unique learning. They expand knowledge, gain skills to create cohesive teams, learn to take more responsibilities, reflect and examine selves more, and form clearer visions and life-plans for future. Learning contents contain core wisdom elements and are judged by raters to be related to wisdom. Additionally, such learning most often is triggered by specific incidents, such as hosting activities, solving organizational problems, and facing communicative difficulties.
頁次 125-162
關鍵詞 wisdom semi-structure interview leadership inter-rater reliability experiential learning 領導 智慧 經驗學習 評分者信度 半結構訪談 TSSCI
卷期 12:3
日期 200908
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所