

篇名 幼兒園教師早期閱讀教學經驗之探究
並列篇名 A Preschool Teacher's Experience of Early Reading Instruction
作者 蔡瓊賢
中文摘要 早期閱讀教學的趨勢植基於認知科學研究的基礎上,以適性發展的教學原則,來進行有利於幼兒閱讀發展的教學實務。本研究旨在探討一位幼兒園教師實施閱讀教學的情形及面臨的挑戰問題,為深入了解整體脈絡,採個案研究的方式,描繪適性發展實務與教師早期閱讀教學經驗共構交織的網絡。本研究發現:教師養成階段的理論基礎可以讓教師在面臨實務衝擊時,促其反思,以協助本身尋求教學的意義,並發展平衡閱讀教學策略,讓幼兒逐漸學習閱讀的核心要素。此外,教師將閱讀統整於整體的課程經驗中,讓幼兒探究周遭環境的文字,也發展孩童的音韻覺識,並從中示範閱讀技巧,讓幼兒能藉此發現文字的意義,也建立基本語文技巧。不過,教師的教學活動,以大團體教學居多,無法落實彈性分組教學的優點。此外,就評量診斷而言,多元評量的措施得以回饋教學,並從中獲取家長的認同。針對閱讀環境而言,教師規劃學習區提供個別學習的機會,雖有現實條件的侷限,仍能呈現教師的企圖,並能以豐富的故事活動和圖書資源誘發幼兒的閱讀興趣。除此之外,在職教師的閱讀專業發展可透過園所內外管道分別進行,且有進一步細緻化的發展空間。根據研究結果亦提出建議,供幼教實務及未來研究參考。
英文摘要 The trend of early reading instruction is based on the research results of cognitive science. Developmentally Appropriate Practices are viewed as the principles of instruction to support children's reading ability. The study was focused on a preschool teacher's reading instructional practices and difficulties. This was a case study in order to draw the network of Developmentally Appropriate Practice and the reading instruction experiences of a preschool teacher. It has found, when facing the practical impact, the theoretical foundation during their teacher training periods had made the teacher reflection, and developed the balanced reading instruction. In terms of instructional strategies and materials, reading instructions were integrated into the whole curriculum experience. The teacher let children discover environmental print, develop skills of phonemic awareness, and modeled herself of reading strategies in order to find the meaning of abstract words and build the basic literature skills. However, extensive whole-group instructions which were in the majority cannot take advantage of flexible teaching groups. With respect to evaluation, multiple assessment strategies were used, which gave feedback to instruction and fulfilled parents' professional identification. In respect of creating a literate environment, there were also planning learning centers for individual learning, which reflected the teacher's intention. Further, the teacher arranged regular storytelling activities, and used the recourses of school library to bring out children's reading interest. With regards of professional development, there were both in-school and out-school ways of in-service professional developments, which could be regulated into more interactive method. According to the research results, the study provided several suggestions for instructional practices and further researches.
頁次 141-180
關鍵詞 早期閱讀 幼兒語文教學 幼兒園 early reading early children instruction in literature kindergarten
卷期 10:2
日期 201112
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院
DOI 10.3966/168395522011121002004