

篇名 開放的思考:台灣幼兒教育的後現代觀點
並列篇名 Thoughts on Open Education: A Postmodernist Perspective of Early Childhood Education in Taiwan
作者 陳議濃
中文摘要 近二十幾年來,開放教育的觀念一直是台灣幼教發展的主要思潮。也因為如此,不管是在理論發展或者實務應用,總是秉持著一種「幼兒本位」的信念。然而可惜的是,由於我們對於「開放」的錯誤認知,反而將開放狹隘成一種特定的思考慣例。更甚者,我們還極端地駁斥傳統價值的各種可能性,阻斷了社會脈絡。因此本文將從後現代觀點,提出台灣幼教的五點問題:一、新教條主義的崛起;二、烏托邦的浪漫詮釋;三、理論與實務的異化;四、專業定位的矛盾;五、失膠的社會意識。並且針對這些問題提出五點建議:一、開放的兼容性與選擇性;二、解構思維的障礙與偏見;三、回歸知識本位的教育;四、務實的行動與責任;五、整合社會文化脈絡;試圖為台灣幼教提供不同的思考空間。
英文摘要 In the last 20 years, the concept of open education has become a popular trend in early childhood education development in Taiwan. Therefore, in both theory and practice, a    child-based    approach is emphasized. However, because the meaning of open is frequently misunderstood, open education is typically limited to particular conventions. Additionally, traditional values have been radically rejected, thus removing the social context. Therefore, this study examines the following 5 issues from a postmodernist perspective: (1) the rise of neo-dogmatism; (2) utopian imagination; (3) disparity between theories and practice; (4) dilemma of professionalization; and (5) unlinked social consciousness. Subsequently, we suggest the following 5 strategies: (1) improved concordance and selectivity of the concept of open; (2) deconstruction of prejudiced thoughts and obstacles; (3) a return to knowledge-based education; (4) practical action and duties; and (5) the integration of sociocultural context. We expect the results of this study to provide an alternative approach to early childhood education in Taiwan.
頁次 029-048
關鍵詞 幼兒教育 後現代主義 開放教育 early childhood education postmodernism open education TSSCI
卷期 22:2
日期 201112
刊名 臺東大學教育學報
出版單位 國立臺東大學