

篇名 一位大學新進教師初任國小教學實習課程的教學困境與壓力
並列篇名 Teaching Challenges for a Novice Faculty of an Educational Practicum Course
作者 張德勝 、黃秀雯
中文摘要 本研究之主要目的在探討一位大學新進教師初任國小教學實習課程所面臨的困境與壓力。研究對象為一位未曾修習過教育相關課程,也沒有小學教學經驗,但卻因配課關係,必須教授國小教學實習課程的大學新進教師。研究資料蒐集包含訪談、教學觀察與文件分析等方法。研究發現,個案教師在帶領教學實習課程遇到的教學困境可歸納為直接與間接兩方面,直接困境部分與教學有直接關係,包含教師個人教學經驗與學生學習態度;而間接困境則包含系所支援、同儕教師,以及社會環境變遷等方面;教學壓力則可分為個人內在與外
英文摘要 This study focused on the teaching challenges and predicaments of a novice assistant professor of an elementary educational practicum course in a university of education. The new assistant professor, who had neither training background in elementary education nor teaching experience in elementary schools, has been assigned to teach elementary educational practicum courses advising student teachers since the fall semester of 2005. Since then, the researchers have followed him as he has been navigating through the terrain of educational practicum courses in the past one and half years. Data collection included interviews with the assistant professor, inquiring his experiences and goals of teaching. We also interviewed students, his teaching partner and colleagues to better understand the context in which the novice faculty teaches. Additionally, we collected course documents, such as the course syllabus, assignments, and his teaching profile. In addition, we observed some of the classroom sessions, and a mid-semester observation stimulated-recall interview was conducted. Results show the novice professor had two major predicaments: internal predicament and external predicament. The internal predicament involves queries from students about his professionalism, increasing difficulties in motivating students to learn, and dealing with student dissatisfaction. The external includes difficulties in cooperating with his teaching partner, as well as lack of supports from senior faculty members. This study addresses the importance of constructing an institutional support mechanism for novice professors to overcome the challenges and predicaments involved in teaching. In doing so, they will be in a better position to interact with students and enhance thequality of teaching.
頁次 1-42
關鍵詞 大學初任教師 高等教育 教學實習 教學困境 教學壓力 university novice faculty higher education educational practicum teaching predicament teaching stress TSSCI
卷期 18:1
日期 201003
刊名 當代教育研究
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育研究與評鑑中心