

篇名 臺灣地區特色學校之發展現況及未來展望
並列篇名 The Current Development and Future Perspectives of Featured Schools in Taiwan
作者 林志成
中文摘要 本文旨在根據筆者主持之教育部專案研究及國內外相關研究發現所得,析述臺灣地區特色學校的發展成效,並論述臺灣地區特色學校的未來展望。筆者首先簡述特色學校的涵義及六大活化重點;其次,析述臺灣地區特色學校發展現況,包括:特色學校發展的困境、優勢條件、主要基礎與實質效益;再次,論述臺灣地區特色學校發展的未來展望,包括:在政策面上,應加強四項作法;在特色學校未來發展面向上,應強化五項重點策略;在整合參與及學術研究上,學術單位可加強特色學校、家庭、社區及文化產業的合作,並強化長期性、系統化、整合化的特色學校研究。最後,提出本文之結論。
英文摘要 This paper aims at probing into the current development and future perspectives of featured schools in Taiwan. It’s based on the discovery of related research on featured schools. It begins with analyzing the meaning of featured schools and six major transformation strategies for them. Then the exploring of the current developmental obstacles, strength andproduction of featured schools is stated. Overall development of featured schools in Taiwan is successful and experiential learning has achieved the good results. At last, future perspectives of featured schools in Taiwan is discussed to make a brief conclusion and suggestions for setting up more featured schools in Taiwan.
頁次 1-19
關鍵詞 特色學校 特色課程 策略聯盟 樂效學習 自主學習 featured schools featured curriculum happy and effective Learning leaning Strategic Alliances Autonomous learning
卷期 66
日期 201003
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會