

篇名 國小雙語教師培育問題及對策
並列篇名 Challenges and Strategies in Elementary Bilingual Teacher Education
作者 洪月女(Yueh-Nu Hung)
中文摘要 臺灣早已是多語、多文化的國家,2030雙語政策在既有的語言與文化基礎上,再加上提升國人國際競合力的英語力。近年來從中央到地方均開設職前雙語師資培育課程以及在職教師雙語教學增能研習,大量培育雙語師資以回應教學現場的需求。本文聚焦討論職前國小雙語教師的培育,首先藉由描繪雙語教師的圖像,來說明國內目前國小雙語教師在雙語教學工作與專業需求的樣貌,並對應接下來國內外文獻所提出雙語教師應具備之專業知能。對於國小雙語教學師資培育之挑戰,本文提出六點觀察;對於國小雙語師資培育的建議,本文提出七點想法,希望能拋磚引玉,共同思考在國小雙語教師的培育,如何從課程架構與學習經驗的面向持續調整,以優化雙語師資培育的成果。
英文摘要 Taiwan has long been a plurilingual and multicultural country. Rooted in this rich linguistic and cultural foundation, the Bilingual 2030 policy aims to enhance Taiwanese young generation’s English proficiency and global competence. To address the pressing demand for bilingual teachers, both central and local governments have introduced a multitude of bilingual teacher education programs for pre- and in-service teachers. The primary focus of this paper is elementary school bilingual teacher education. First, three vignettes of bilingual teachers illustrate the professional requisites and needs integral to bilingual teaching in elementary school. Then drawing upon the international and domestic research literature, the professional knowledge requirements of bilingual teachers are discussed. Six challenges confronting elementary bilingual teacher education are discussed, and seven prospective strategies are provided. This paper hopes to stimulate further discussions and collaborative efforts to refine the curriculum structure and learning experiences offered in bilingual teacher preparation programs, thus optimizing the outcomes of bilingual teacher education.
頁次 004-017
關鍵詞 雙語政策 雙語師資培育 雙語教師專業知能 雙語教學課程架構 bilingual policy bilingual teacher preparation bilingual teachers’ professional knowledge bilingual education curriculum structure
卷期 358
日期 202402
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602024020358001