

篇名 從美國的教育政策革新反思我國校長專業發展制度
並列篇名 Rethinking the Principal Professional Development System in Taiwan from the Reform of American Educational Policy
作者 葉怡伶(Yi-Ling Yeh)
中文摘要 校長是領導及監督學校變革的重要人物,其作為影響教師教學、學生學習及學校環境規劃。美國於2015年發布《教育領導者專業標準》(Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, PSEL)及《讓每個學生成功法案》(Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA)兩項新的教育改革政策,在新的政策中皆強調校長角色及其專業發展的重要性。本文主要目的在探討美國PSEL及ESSA在校長專業發展推動上的策略及趨勢,以提供國內教育行政決策參考。全文共分為三個部分,首先探討校長專業發展的必要性;其次,介紹美國PSEL及ESSA兩項教育變革在校長專業發展上的措施,並以生態系統觀點分析美國校長專業發展上的趨勢;最後,提出對我國校長專業發展制度政策的建議。
英文摘要 The principal is an important person who leads and supervises the school’s change. It acts as an influence on teacher teaching, student learning and school environmental planning. In 2015, The United States released two new educational reform policies, the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Both stressed the importance of the principal’s role and professional development. The paper aims to discuss the practices and trends of the principals professional development by PSEL and ESSA, in order to provide a reference for educational administrative decision-making in Taiwan. The paper was divided into three parts : firstly, it discusses the necessity of the principals professional development. Second, it introduced the practices for the principals professional development by the two educational reforms of PSEL and ESSA in America, and analyzed the professional development trends of the principals in America from an ecological systems theory. Finally, it put forward suggestions for the policy of the professional development system of school principals in Taiwan .
頁次 224-238
關鍵詞 教育領導者專業標準 讓每個學生成功法案 校長專業發展 Titles I 基金 Titles II基金 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders Every Student Succeeds Act principal professional development Title I funds Title II funds
卷期 125
日期 202001
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202001_(125).0009