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篇名 南韓《教師地位法》修訂對《教師法》教師專業自主保障之啟示
並列篇名 The Implications of South Korea’s Amendment to the “Special Act on the Improvement of Teachers’ Status and the Protection of Their Educational Activities” for the Protection of Teacher Professional Autonomy in the “Teachers’ Act”
作者 李品萱(Pin-Syuan Li)
中文摘要 家長與學生不當行為使教師專業自主受高度挑戰,造成教師教學困擾,增加教師壓力,甚至導致有意成為教師之人才,降低成為教師之意願,影響師資招募。就此,本文擬先說明教師專業自主之意涵、教師專業自主和教育人事之關聯與對其之影響,再探究皆以保障教師地位為目的之《教師法》及其施行細則與南韓2023年修法之《教師地位法》對於教師專業自主保障,並比較兩者之異同,提出結論有三:一、《教師法》對教師專業自主應有明確界定。二、我國《教師法》未如同南韓《教師地位法》,保障教師教學活動免受家長與學生不當行為干涉之專業自主面向。三、教育機關應提供家長、學生、教師與學校間溝通指引與增能,協助有效進行對學生有益之溝通,避免不當干涉與其所帶來之負面影響。
英文摘要 Inappropriate behavior of parents and students highly challenges teachers’ professional autonomy, causing teachers’ teaching difficulties, increasing teachers’ pressure. The inappropriate behavior may even reduce the willingness of those who want to become teachers, affecting teacher recruitment. In this regard, this article intends to first explain the meaning of teachers’ professional autonomy, and the connection and impact of teachers’ professional autonomy and educational personnel. Next, the study explores and compares how the “Teachers’ Act” and the South Korea’s 2023 amendment to the “Special Act on the Improvement of Teachers’ Status and the Protection of Their Educational Activities”, which both are aimed at protecting the status of teachers, protect teachers’ professional autonomy. Finally, the study concludes that 1. “Teachers’ Act” should include clear definition of teachers’ professional autonomy it protects. 2. “Teachers’ Act”, unlike South Korea’s “Special Act on the Improvement of Teachers’ Status and the Protection of Their Educational Activities”, does not protect the aspect of professional autonomy that teachers’ teaching should be free from inappropriate interference by parents and students. 3. Educational administrative agencies should provide guidance and courses for parents, students, teachers and schools to have effective communication that is beneficial to students, and avoid inappropriate interference and its negative impacts.
頁次 194-212
關鍵詞 南韓《教師地位法》 《教師法》 專業自主 South Korea’s Special Act on the Improvement of Teachers’ Status and the Protection of Their Educational Activities Teachers’ Act professional autonomy
卷期 151
日期 202405
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202405_(151).0009