

篇名 澎湖縣國中生背景因素與數學成績之研究:以自律學習與國文成績為中介變項
並列篇名 The Study of Background Variables and Mathematics Achievement of Ninth Grades in Penhu County: Self-Regulated Learning and Chinese Language Achievement as Moderators
作者 張芳全(Fang-Chung Chang)
中文摘要 本研究探討澎湖縣學生家庭社經地位與學習成就關係,以自律學習與國文成績為中介變項,採問卷調查法對636位學生施測。結論如下:(一)學生自律學習良好,情境調整、後設認知、認知策略與行為控制高於平均值;會考國文與數學成績達基礎等級;(二)家庭SES愈高,自律學習與成就愈好;女生自律學習高於男生,市區與偏遠地區學習成就與自律學習沒有明顯差異;(三)家庭SES透過自律學習對數學成績的影響上,自律學習及國文成績分別具有部分中介效果;(四)家庭SES透過自律學習與國文成績對數學成績的影響之兩個中介變項同時具有部分中介效果;(五)要提升數學成績最好路徑是透過提升國文成績,其次提升自律學習與國文成績,最後則透過自律學習著手。
英文摘要 This study aims to explore the relationship between family socioeconomic status and learning achievements of ninth grades in Penghu county, and used self-regulated learning and Chinese language achievement as mederators. Data were collected through questionnaires from 636 ninth graders, and results showed that (1) students had good self-regulated learning, situational adjustments, meta-cognition, cognitive strategies, and behavioral control were higher than the averagely standard; the Chinese language achievement and math achievement reached the basic level respectively; (2) the higher the family SES, the better self-regulated learning and learning achievements; girls' self-regulated learning were higher than boys, and there was no significant difference between urban and remote areas students' learning achievement and self-regulated learning; (3) in the relationship between family SES's impacted on math achievement through self-regulated learning, self-regulated learning and Chinese language achievement had partially mediating effects; (4) in the relationship between family SES and mathematics achievement through self-regulated learning, these two mederators had partially mederated effects; (5) the best way to enhance math achievement was through the improvement of Chinese language achievement, followed by self-regulated learning and the improvement of Chinese language achievement, and finally through self-regulated learning.
頁次 031-070
關鍵詞 自律學習 國中生 國文成績 數學成績 chinese language achievement junior high school students math achievement self-regulated learning
卷期 54:2
日期 202010
刊名 教育研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學
DOI 10.3966/199044282020105402002