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篇名 教職選擇動機、人際關係及工作滿意度之關係研究:以臺灣與上海國中教師為例
並列篇名 A Study of the Relationship between Motivations to Choose Teachers as Career, Interpersonal Relationship and Job    Satisfaction of Junior High Schools’ Teachers in Taiwan and Shanghai
作者 黃宇仲(Yu-Chung Huang) 、鍾鳳嬌(Feng-Chiao Chung)
中文摘要 影響教職選擇的因素探討,除了個人外在動機外,個人內在動機更是選擇教育工作的原因之一。工作滿意度的研究一直是人力資源管理領域重要的議題,然而在教育學範疇中,國內學者鮮少提及教職選擇動機與工作滿意度之間的關係,加上文獻指出,人際關係在教師工作滿意度上又扮演重要角色,因此,本研究採用次級資料分析法,自經濟合作暨發展組織之「2018年全球教學與學習國際調查資料庫」,擷取臺灣(N = 3,658,49.5%)與上海(N = 3,725,50.5%)國中教師教職選擇動機等數據資料,並以結構方程模式分析探討變項間的因果關係。研究結果包含:一、臺灣與上海教師的教職選擇動機與工作滿意度有正向影響,人際關係存在中介效果;二、臺灣與上海教師的教職選擇受個人內在動機影響更勝個人外在動機;三、臺灣教師重視弱勢正義,上海教師重視貢獻社會。最後,依據研究結果提出三項建議:一、學校宜建立友善校園的機制,有助促進教師正向的職涯生活;二、有意投入教育行列的大學畢業生應體認自身擔任教職的目的、價值與意義,方能促進職涯發展;三、臺灣與上海師資培育方向宜參考各自優點,臺灣宜加入教師社會責任課程,中國大陸宜關注弱勢學生扶助方案,以增進教師專業知能。
英文摘要 Discussing the factors that influence the choice of teaching position, in addition to personal extrinsic motivation, personal intrinsic motivation is one of the reasons for choosing education work. The study of job satisfaction has always been an important topic in the field of human resource management. However, in the field of education, domestic scholars rarely mention the relationship between choose teachers as career motivation and job satisfaction. In addition, the literature points out that interpersonal relationships play an important role in teachers’ job satisfaction. Therefore, this study used Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS 2018) by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to secondary data analysis about Taiwan (N = 3,658, 49.5%) and Shanghai (N = 3,725, 50.5%) junior high schools’ teachers. The results of the study found that: 1. Motivation of choose teacher as career in Taiwan and Shanghai has a positive impact on job satisfaction, and interpersonal relationships have a mediating effect; 2. Choose teachers as career in Taiwan and Shanghai is more influenced by intrinsic motivation than extrinsic motivation; 3. Teachers in Taiwan value justice for the disadvantaged, and teachers in Shanghai value contributing to society. Finally, three suggestions are put forward based on the research results: 1. Schools should establish a friendly campus atmosphere to help promote teachers’ positive career life; 2. College graduates who intend to join the education profession should understand the purpose, value and significance of their teaching positions in order to promote career development; 3. Teacher education directions in Taiwan and Shanghai should take into account their respective strengths. Taiwan should include teachers’ social responsibility courses, and mainland China should pay attention to support programs for disadvantaged students to enhance teachers’ professional knowledge.
頁次 033-078
關鍵詞 人際關係 工作滿意度 國中教師 教職選擇動機 interpersonal relationship job satisfaction junior high schools’ teachers motivations to choose teacher as career
卷期 95
日期 202311
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會
DOI 10.53106/160957582023110095002