

篇名 校長評鑑之後設評鑑指標建構
並列篇名 The Study on Meta-Evaluation of Principal Evaluation
作者 郭昭佑(Chao-Yu Guo)
中文摘要 人事評鑑議題較方案評鑑更為敏感,教師評鑑一直無法入法即是一例。相對而言,校長評鑑在《國民教育法施行細則》早已明列應對校長辦學績效進行評鑑,並作為校長遴選依據,只是多數縣市政府多以校務評鑑取代之。為瞭解一個適當的校長評鑑圖像,本研究擬以後設評鑑視角,以美國教育評鑑標準聯合委員會所提出之《人事評鑑標準》為基礎進行指標建構,以確認校長評鑑辦理的適切性、有效性、可行性及精確性,提供依法辦理校長評鑑作為之參考。
英文摘要 In recent years, the issue of Taiwan’s personnel evaluation in education was widely discussed after the discussion of whether teacher evaluation is to be put into law. Comparatively speaking, principal evaluation has already been explicitly stipulated in the Enforcement Rules of the Primary and Junior High School Act, of which principals’ managing performance shall be evaluated as the basis for principal selection. However, most county and city governments replace it by school evaluation. In order to understand the suitable picture of Principal Evaluation, based on the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (JCSEE)’s personnel evaluation in this study by the angle of meta-evaluation,the indicators are constructed to confirm the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy of the principals’ evaluation process and to provide the principals’ evaluation as a reference.
頁次 031-056
關鍵詞 人事評鑑 校長評鑑 後設評鑑 personnel evaluation principal evaluation meta-evaluation
卷期 7:2
日期 201712
刊名 教育行政研究
出版單位 中華民國教育行政學會
DOI 10.3966/222350002017120702002