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篇名 Three Factors Affecting CSL Learners9 Strategy Use of Chinese Comforting: Power, Severity, and Situation Type
並列篇名 影響華語二語學習者的中文安慰言語行為之三大 變因:權力、事件嚴重度、情境類型
作者 葉惠真(Stephanie Hui-Chen YEH) 、陳純音(Chun-Yin Doris CHEN)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討以華語為第二語言的英語與日語學習者對中文 安慰策略的有效度判斷以及使用情形,並驗證不同操縱變因(如:權 力、事件嚴重度及情境類型)對安慰策略的影響程度。研究對象共為 十二名英語和十七名日語的中級華語學習者以及二十名華語母語者作 為對照組,參與本研究的兩項測驗:一為有效度判斷,二為口頭完成 情境對話。 研究發現,三個變因對安慰策略的影響不等:情境類型影響最大, 其次是事件嚴重程度以及被慰者的權力高低。此外,亦發現研究對象 對安慰策略有效度判斷與實際策略使用間確實存在影響差異。而且, 跨文化差異仍存在於安慰策略的學習中。
英文摘要 The present study aims to investigate the perception and production of Chinese comforting strategies by English and Japanese learners of Chinese as a second language (CSL) under the three manipulation factors: power, severity, and situation types. A total of 12 English and 17 Japanese intermediate CSL learners together with 20 Chinese controls were recruited to complete two tasks (i.e., an effectiveness evaluation task and an oral discourse completion task. The results indicated that the three experimental factors exerted their influence to differing degrees: situation types were found most influential followed by severity and power. In addition, there were indeed discrepancies between the subjects’ perception and production of comforting strategies. Moreover, it was found that the intercultural variations played a part during the acquisition process of the comforting act.
頁次 001-050
關鍵詞 comforting strategy second language acquisition speech act teaching Chinese as a second language 第二語言習得 言語行為 安慰策略 對外華語教學 THCI
卷期 16:1
日期 201903
刊名 華語文教學研究
出版單位 世界華語文教育學會