

篇名 文化回應課程與評量之統整模式:以偏鄉原住民小學的自然災害單元為例
並列篇名 Integrating Culturally Responsive Curriculums and Assessments of the Unit on Natural Disaster for Indigenous Students in the Rural Area
作者 謝百淇(Paichi Pat Shein) 、張美珍(Mei-Chen Chang) 、李馨慈(Tjuku Ruljigaljig)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討教育利害關係人共同發展及統整文化回應評量與課程之模式。本研究採用混合研究法,藉由質性資料作為調整評量工具的依據,協助解釋量化資料的結果。研究對象為兩所鄰近之偏鄉原住民族的國小四至六年級學生,採準實驗研究法,觀察實驗組和對照組之間的差異。研究結論有三:一、文化回應評量可依循Frierson、Hood與Hughes(2002)提出的「文化回應評量實施策略」與教育利害關係人建立共同發展模式;二、文化回應課程與評量統整之模式可遵循「文化回應評量實施策略」及謝百淇、黃育真、張美珍與李馨慈(2016)建議之「課程發展階段」達到課程與評量的一致性;三、「自然災害之文化回應課程與評量」的成效結果顯示學生在表現上傾向正面改變。國內文獻主要以探討文化回應課程為主,鮮少針對文化回應評量進行探究,若僅發展課程,其對文化回應之效果為何則無從得知,故需同時發展文化回應評量,以評量作為文化回應課程之檢驗,最終達到課程所需統整與評量的一脈與連貫性。
英文摘要 This paper investigates the collaborative development of culturally responsive assessments (CRAs) and its integration with a culturally responsive curriculum. This study adopted a mixed-method design by using a qualitative approach to inform the development of research instruments and to explain the quantitative results of the quasiexperimental study. The participants were fourth to sixth graders from two adjacent indigenous schools, with one school as the experimental group and the other as the comparison group. Our findings showed the following: 1) Key stakeholders adopted and followed the CRA strategies proposed by Frierson, Hood, and Hughes (2002) to develop CRAs for their unit on natural disasters. 2) CRA strategies could be integrated with the developmental stages of a culturally responsive curriculum to ensure consistency between assessment and curriculum. 3) The intervention of the unit exerted significant effects on students’ learning outcomes. This study provides empirical evidence to add to the as-yet limited research on CRAs. It also provides strategies for the development of CRAs and for the integration between CRAs and the curriculums for teachers and teacher educators.
頁次 035-080
關鍵詞 文化回應評量 文化回應課程 多元智能 自然災害 原住民族 culturally responsive assessment culturally responsive curriculum multiple intelligences natural disaster indigenous community TSSCI
卷期 51
日期 201812
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.3966/156335272018120051002