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篇名 家長選擇教師的作為之微觀政治分析
並列篇名 Micropolitical Analysis of Parents' Teacher Selection Behavior
作者 陳意榕(Chen, Yi-jung)
中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解影響家長選擇教師作為之相關因素,以及分析家長選擇教師時所使用的微觀政治策略。研究者主要採取訪談的方式,並選取美麗國小之行政人員、受歡迎的名師、一般教師、志工家長、教師家長、家長代表共6 名研究對象,研究者藉由長期浸潤於研究場域的機會,得以瞭解各利害關係人在家長選擇教師過程中的權力互動,以及各自採取的微觀政治策略。本研究獲致以下之結論:家長選擇教師之作為,除了與家長本身擁有之社經網絡,亦與其文化資本相關;而教師與行政人員、家長在教學績效與專業自主權的認知與立場的落差,應予以調和;最後,家長在進行選擇教師作為時,採取彈性而多重的微觀策略;且其與行政人員的權力互動,具有動態而連續的特質;因此,研究者本研究能對實務與政府相關政策的制定有所啟發與裨益。
英文摘要 The study is aimed at understanding the interplay of related factors in parents’ teacher selection behavior and the micropolitical strategies which they adopted during the process.This is a case study of ‘Beauty’ Elementary School and an administrator, a representative of parental association, a volunteer parent, and two teachers are interviewed. The researcher has immersed herself in the research field for so long that she could fully understand the power interactions between thestakeholders and the micropolitical strategies involved in the process of parents’ teacher selection. Therefore, the researcher reached several
conclusions:In addition to parents’ social and economic network, the parents’ teacher selection behavior hinges on their culture capital as well. The gap between different cognitions and positions in accountability of instructional accountability and professional autonomy by which the stakeholders (teachers, administrators and parents) abide should be reconciled. Finally,parents employed flexible and multiple micropolitical strategies and its interactions with administrators are dynamic and consecutive. As a result, the researcher hopes that this
research can bring about implications in practices and the governments,policy making.
頁次 089-112
關鍵詞 家長選擇教師之作為 微觀政治策略 專業自主 Parents' teacher selection behavior Micropolitic strategies Professional autonomy
卷期 24
日期 201003
刊名 國民教育研究學報
出版單位 國立嘉義大學國民教育研究所