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篇名 中国式乡村教育现代化:内涵、推进逻辑与实现机制
並列篇名 Chinese Rural Education Path to Modernization: Connotation, Logical Framework and Implementation Mechanism
作者 彭泽平(Peng Zeping) 、曾凡(Zeng Fan)
中文摘要 中国式乡村教育现代化是在中国共产党的坚强领导下,激活乡村内生动力,以新时代中国特色社会主义教育理论为指导,以中国优秀传统农耕文明为底基,以乡村自然环境为基本载体,融入现代先进技术手段,以乡村教育优质均衡为目标,实现农业农村现代化、推动乡村振兴的乡村教育现代化进程。要推动中国式乡村教育现代化,需要直面我国乡村教育现代化发展道路所存在的实践目标不够明晰、主体治理亟需提质、助推乡村经济文化能力偏弱、对外交流与合作水平相对滞后、风险调适机制仍需完善的挑战,遵循保障农民教育基本权益的底线逻辑,根植中华农耕文明的历史逻辑,贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的理论逻辑,以及扎根中国乡村大地办教育的实践逻辑。从动态目标设计、主体治理完善、经济文化重塑、合作交流拓展、行动协同规范五个层面推进中国式乡村教育现代化。
英文摘要 The modernization of Chinese-style rural education is that the strong leadership of the CPC, Activate the endogenous driving force in rural areas. The guiding theory for the modernization of Chinese style rural education is the socialist education theory with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Its foundation is China’s excellent traditional agricultural civilization. Its basic carrier is the rural natural environment. It integrates modern advanced technology and aims for high-quality and balanced rural education. It is aimed at achieving modernization of agriculture and rural areas and promoting rural revitalization. Currently, there is still a significant gap between achieving the modernization of Chinese style rural education. The development path of Chinese style rural education modernization still faces challenges such as unclear practical goals, urgent need to improve subject governance, weak ability to promote rural economic and cultural development, relatively lagging level of foreign exchange and cooperation, and the need to improve risk adjustment mechanisms. We must promote the modernization of Chinese style rural education from five aspects: dynamic goal design, improvement of subject governance, reshaping of economy and culture, expansion of cooperation and exchange, and standardization of action coordination.
頁次 073-081
關鍵詞 中国式教育现代化 中国式乡村教育现代化 农业农村现代化 乡村教育治理 乡村振兴 Chinese educational modernization Chinese rural education path to modernization modernization of agriculture and rural areas governance of rural education rural revitalization CSSCI
卷期 447
日期 202404
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社