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篇名 以夥伴關係觀點探究學校改進的專業支持網絡:以高中優質化輔助方案專家諮輔為例
並列篇名 The Preliminary Study in School Improvement With the Perspective of Partnership: The Case of School Consulting System in School Actualization Program
作者 許美鈞(Mei-Chun Hsu) 、陳佩英(Pei-Ying Chen)
中文摘要 因應教育環境的快速變化,學校改進日益需要跨組織的雙贏協作或外部系統的支持,而研究機構或大學受政府委託辦理與學校合作改進的夥伴關係模式已成為學校改革模式之一。本文以夥伴關係的角度切入,探析高中的外部專業支持系統—高中優質化輔助方案中的專家諮詢輔導委員系統與學校間的諮詢輔導歷程和夥伴關係,並以一所個案學校為例,說明學校在接受和應用諮詢輔導的經驗,並探析其夥伴關係的發展。個案學校的協作關係偏向執行性夥伴關係,藉由委員方向性的指引,該校得以面對108課綱推行所引發之課程變革和組織調整的複雜度,但亦有不少限制和挑戰需要克服,包含委員的專業化培力、對學校的整全性了解,以及計畫對於委員角色之框架。雖然高優諮輔在夥伴關係的發展上仍有許多需要努力的空間,但藉由計畫性與持續性的支持,讓該個案學校能夠保有外部專業資源的挹注,對於學校課綱之推動仍具關鍵的影響。
英文摘要 The rapid change in the educational environment has made the collaboration of cross-organizations an essential component of school improvement. One of the emerging approaches to school improvement is the partnering collaboration between the research and the practice. This article adopts the perspective of “partnership” to explore the process of the partnership development between counselors and schools in School Actualization Program (SAP), choosing one case school as an example to elaborate how school accepted and incorporated the consultations into curriculum reform and the relationship development between counselors and schools. According to this case study, this relationship tends to be “implementation partnership.” Considering the complexity of the school’s educational system and the implementation of the curriculum, this school is willing to follow the recommendations of counselors in order to overcome the difficulties associated with curriculum reform. In addition, there are still a number of challenges and difficulties to overcome, including the need to build the capacity of counselors, to develop a holistic understanding of varied schools, as well as to overcome the limitations of existing policy frameworks. In spite of this, SAP consulting program still provides professional and essential support for the establishment and revision of school curriculums in the case school
頁次 076-093
關鍵詞 高中優質化輔助方案 夥伴關係 學校改進 school actualization program research-practice partnerships school improvement
卷期 361
日期 202405
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602024050361005