

篇名 国家认同视角下东帝汶语言教育政策实施困境分析
並列篇名 Analysis on the Dilemma of the Implementation of Language-in-education Policy in Timor-Leste from the Perspective of National Identity
作者 涂瀞文(TU Jingwen) 、吴坚(WU Jian) 、马早明(MA Zaoming)
中文摘要 东帝汷作为21世纪的新生国家,历史上曾先后受葡萄牙殖民及印度尼西亚的占领统治,形成了语种丰富的语言现象。为了摆脱过去被统治的阴影、构建国家认同,东帝汶自2002年独立之后便十分重视语言教育政策问题。但政府在制定政策时忽视对主体民族语言一德顿语的构建,反而侧重发展原宗主国语言——葡萄牙语,这使政策内容与构建国家认同的目标相背离,对政策实施带来巨大挑战。从主体维度来看,德顿语作为主体民族语言在政策实施中的地位被弱化;从时间维度来看,葡萄牙语出现了集体历史记忆的代际差异;从空间维度来看,葡萄牙语的使用地区有限,无法与广大人民的内在情感产生联系;从权力维度来看,葡萄牙语地位的强化使多数人民被边缘化。
英文摘要 As a new country in the 21st century,Timor-Leste had been colonized by Portugal and occupied by Indonesia in history, forming a phenomenon of rich language. In order to get rid of the shadow of being ruled in the past and build national identity, Timor-Leste has attached great importance to language-in-education policy since its independence in 2002. However, when the government formulate policies, it ignores the construction of the main national language---Tetum language, but instead focuses on the development of the original sovereign state language---Portuguese, which makes the policy content deviate from the goal of building national identity, causing huge implementation challenge. From the perspective of subjectivity, the status of the Tetum language as the main national language in the implementation of the policy is weakened; from the perspective of time, the intergenerational differences of collective historical memory appear in Portuguese; from the geographical perspective, the use of Portuguese is limited, unable to connect with the inner feelings of the people; from the perspective of power, the strengthening of Portuguese status has marginalized the majority of the people.
頁次 097-104
關鍵詞 东帝汶 语言教育政策 国家认同 民族语言 Timor-Leste language-in-education policy national identity national language CSSCI
卷期 43:4
日期 202104
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所