

篇名 面向未来的下一代评估设计——基于OECD《创新评估以测量与支持复杂能力》报告的思考
並列篇名 Future-generation Assessment Design: OECD Innovation Assessment to Measure and Support Complex Capacity
作者 李刚(LI GangZHAO Jiaqi) 、赵佳琦(ZHAO Jiaqi) 、郑泽琳(ZHENG Zelin)
中文摘要 评估是衡量和测评学生能力的重要方式,是确认学生发展水平的重要路标。经济合作与发展组织2023 年4 月发布的《创新评估以测量与支持复杂能力》政策文件,聚焦核心素养、深度体验、结构问题及决策发展来设计评估内容,并通过技术介入、革新概念框架、创新数据来源、促进自我调节学习、利用人工智能重构评估方式,最后通过强调跨文化的有效性与可比性、强化过程数据的科学性及可塑性、促进学习分析与教育评估双向融合三方面革新评估结果的使用。这一政策文件对于推进我国教育评估革新具有三方面启示:一是促进教育评估内容素养化,二是促进教育评估方式智能化,三是促进评估结果使用高质化。
英文摘要 Evaluation is an important way to measure and evaluate students 'ability, and is an important signpost for students' development. OECD released in April 2023, the innovation assessment to measure and support complex ability " policy documents, focusing on the core literacy, depth experience, structure problems and decision development to design evaluation content, and through technical intervention, innovation concept framework, innovation data source, promote self-regulating learning, using artificial intelligence to reconstruct evaluation way, finally by pay attention to the effectiveness of cross-cultural and comparability, strengthen the science and effectiveness of process data, promote learning analysis and education evaluation two-way fusion to innovation the use of the evaluation results. In general, its enlightenment for promoting the innovation of education evaluation in the high-quality development of education in China in the new era has the following three aspects: first, to promote the literacy of education evaluation content; second, the second is to promote the intelligence of education evaluation methods; third, to promote the high-quality use of evaluation results.
頁次 034-041
關鍵詞 下一代评估 高量评估 重视证据 next-generation assessment high-quality assessment emphasis on evidence CSSCI
卷期 29:6
日期 202312
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2023.06.004