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篇名 公立大学法人制度70年(1949-2019):历史考察、现实审视与改革走向
並列篇名 The 70 Years of the Public University Legal Person System from 1949 to 2019:Historical Investigation, Realistic Inspection and Reform Direction
作者 解德渤(XIE De-bo)
中文摘要 现代大学制度的核心是现代大学法人制度,其中公立大学法人制度在新中国建立70年间的发展历程与现实境遇尤其引人瞩目。从历史来看,我国公立大学法人的制度演进经历了“没有法人地位”到“事业单位法人”再到“公益二类事业单位法人”的总体发展阶段。这是我国高等教育自1949年以来取得的重大改革成果。就现实而言,公立大学在法律地位、治理结构、财产制度、人事制度、投人体制、评价制度以及监督机制等方面逐渐形成了初具中国特色的大学法人制度体系,同时也存在一些有待完善的改革空间。就改革走向来说,多元化的法人身份是公立大学法人制度改革的基本前提,国家理性与市场机制的共同培育是公立大学法人制度改革的现实抉择,对政府权力的有效规制是公立大学法人制度改革的关键所在。
英文摘要 The core of modern university system is the modern university legal person system. The development process and current situation of the public university legal person system in China from 1949 to 2019 are particularly remarkable. From the perspective of history, the legal person system in China5 public universities has gone through three development stages from “no legal person status” to “legal person of public institution” to “legal person of Type II public institution”. This is the major reform result in higher education in China since 1949. In reality, public universities have gradually formed a university legal person system with Chinese characteristics in legal status, governance structure, property system, personnel system, investment system, evaluation system and supervision mechanism, but there is still room for improvement. As for the reform direction of the public university legal person system, the diversified legal person status is the basic premise, the joint cultivation of national rationality and market mechanism is the realistic choice, and the effective regulation of government power is the key to success.
頁次 046-054
關鍵詞 大学法人制度 公立大学 事业单位法人 高等教育治理现代化 university legal person system public university public institution legal person higher education management modernization CSSCI
卷期 40:4
日期 201908
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學
DOI 10.14138/j. 1001 - 4519.2019.04.004609