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篇名 產業文化認知與知識經濟發展的提升——以藺草文化館為例
並列篇名 Cultural Cognition and the Promotion of the Knowledge Economy - Rushes Museum as an Example
作者 何素花(Su-Hua Ho)
中文摘要 台灣婦女的投入家庭副業由來已久,自日治時期殖民當局振興台灣的家庭副業,以期台灣島上的婦女同化於內地,副業獎勵的主要目的就在將農村勞動力納入日本資本主義經濟發展的體系中,為地方政府圖拓展財源鼓動發展有地方特色的產業。家庭副業吸納農村隱藏性勞動力,尤其是在未能進一步完成工業化的農村地區。婦女進而亦可藉此管道增加家庭收入。日治時期副業的從業人口增多,突破十五萬人。而今帽蓆業雖然走過了它的黃金世紀,婦女因為工業的發展,進入工廠工作,或年齡老化,產業也漸凋零,然而政府在提倡文化產業再造,發展知識經濟產業下,藺草文化館的建立即扛起了這項使命。本文以史料文獻及田野調查訪問,利用網路平台評價資源,並針對在地及非在地大學之大學生從事問卷調查研究分析可知,在「知識經濟」目標下,文創產業再興與發展,豐富的資訊和活動提供給潛在遊客是相當重要的。
英文摘要 In order to ease this living pressure and increase income, many households start running their household handicraft. During the Japanese colonial time, to encourage elders and women to start handicraft was one of important policies in Taiwan. Because of this, there were many organizations established and devoted to promote their local key feature commodities. With this trend, the handiworks and industrial by-products with local characteristic were developed to save the declining economy in rural areas. Under the influence of this policy, household handicraft were developed. such as Yuanli hats-mats in Taichung and Hsinchu coast area. However this household industry encountered recession in the 1970s, the government has actively promoted the innovative in the cultural industry, the cultural museum of rushed has founded at the same time in order to assist the cultural preservation industry and help to make rushes industry transformation. Although the museum has its mission, it should not be limited to the local. Based on the survey analysis, the more rich information and the more interactive activities, the more people will visit.
頁次 040-050
關鍵詞 知識經濟 文化館 文化認知 農村副業 the knowledge economy cultural industry tourism industry the survey of the questionnaire cultural cognition
卷期 10:1
日期 202008
刊名 休閒研究
出版單位 國立體育大學創新領導研究發展中心