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篇名 專業學習社群與學校課程發展
並列篇名 Professional Learning Communities and School Curriculum Development
作者 陳文彥(Wen-Yan Chen)
中文摘要 本文以專業學習社群與學校課程發展為焦點,首先針對專業學習社群與學校課程發展的相關概念進行探討,接續分析十二年國教課綱下學校課程發展的規範與機制,進而提出以專業學習社群促進學校課程發展之架構與作法。研究結論包括:一、專業學習社群的要素可歸納為「學習活動」、「共同價值與願景」以及「支持性條件」等三部分,除了運用學習工具進行合作性的學習外,社群成員間共同價值和願景的建立,才是彰顯專業學習社群特色之關鍵;二、學校本位課程發展包括課程規劃、設計、實施與評鑑等不同歷程,若能掌握課程的不同定義,並以課程即經驗的角度來思考,將可更準確掌握學校課程發展之任務與範圍;三、「校訂課程」是現階段學校進行課程發展的重點,但在「部定課程」方面,各校也宜依學生與在地特性進行轉化與發展,並透過專業學習社群協助教師進行課程協作與教學增能,以及發揮課程發展委員會核心小組之功能;四、以專業學習社群促進學校課程發展,可由組織層級角度進行整體思考,而學校領導者於其中扮演關鍵角色,可善用各式策略與領導作為發揮促進作用。
英文摘要 The paper analyzed how professional learning communities prompted school curriculum development in the context of the Twelve-Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines. Major findings include: 1. The main components of PLCs are learning activities, shared values and vision, and supportive conditions. Besides using various tools to do collective learning, the building of shared values and vision among community member is the key to be PLCs. 2. The process of school-based curriculum development includes four phases, which are curriculum planning, curriculum design, curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation. Conceptualizing curriculum as students’ learning experience can help clarify the tasks and boundary of school curriculum development. 3. School-regulated curriculum is the point of school curriculum development in the recent phase. However, government-regulated curriculum should also be transformed through school-based curriculum development. 4. When using PLCs to promote school curriculum development, it is more comprehensive to view PLCs from the organizational perspective. School leaders can play a critical role to facilitate and various strategies and learning-centered leadership can be adopted to exert leadership influence.
頁次 017-033
關鍵詞 專業學習社群 課綱 學校領導 學校課程發展 professional learning communities curriculum guidelines school leadership school curriculum development
卷期 308
日期 201912
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019120308002