篇名 县中教师的流动意愿与稳定对策——基于东部某省33县调查数据的实证分析
並列篇名 Research on the Mobility and Stability Mechanism of County High School Teachers: Based on the Survey Data of 33 Counties in an Eastern Province
作者 毋锶锶(WU Sisi) 、刘善槐(LIU Shanhuai)
中文摘要 “县中塌陷”的本质是“师资塌陷”,振兴县中的关键在于建强师资。基于东部某省33县普通高中的调查,超过20%的教师具有流动意愿,成为振兴县中的不利因素。通过二元logistic回归模型对县中教师流动意愿的影响因素进行分析,结果表明:青年未婚教师及高学历、高职称教师流动意愿更强烈;平台高、环境优及来自本土的教师稳定性更强;工资待遇和发展前景是稳定教师的关键因素;高效能和倦怠型教师均表现出明显的流动意愿。为吸引、留住优秀教师,应从工资待遇、发展平台、人文环境、评价机制、专项计划等维度进行综合改革。
英文摘要 The crux of the "county high school collapse" phenomenon fundamentally rests upon the "collapse of the teaching faculty". Revitalization of these county high schools hinges on fortifying the teacher workforce. This study investigates the propensity for teacher migration across 33 ordinary high schools in an eastern province, uncovering that over 20% of teachers harbor intentions to relocate, thereby impeding the rejuvenation efforts for county high schools. Employing a binary logistic regression model, the research analyzes determinants of teachers' mobility intentions. Findings reveal a heightened inclination to migrate among younger, unmarried teachers, as well as those with advanced educational qualifications and professional titles. Conversely, teachers who benefit from reputable platforms, conducive environments, or hail from local areas demonstrate greater stability. Compensation and career advancement prospects emerge as pivotal elements in securing teacher retention. Notably, teachers experiencing high levels of efficiency alongside burnout exhibit pronounced migration intentions. Addressing this challenge necessitates a multidimensional reform strategy, encompassing enhancements in remuneration, career development opportunities, a nurturing humanistic environment, refined evaluation mechanisms, and targeted special programs, all aimed at attracting and retaining outstanding teachers.
頁次 022-029
關鍵詞 县域高中 县中教师 流动意愿 稳定机制 county high schools county teachers mobility willingness stability mechanism CSSCI
卷期 22:1
日期 202402
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學