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篇名 高齡者參與學習轉化內涵之研究
並列篇名 The Study of Older Adults’ Transformative Learning Contents
作者 謝鈐紘(Chien-Hung Hsieh) 、李雅慧(Ya-Hui Lee)
中文摘要 高齡社會的臺灣逐漸重視教育與學習,學習能幫助高齡者面臨生命發展任務,並因應老化轉變,亦能促使個體有能力改變,而轉化學習探討學習者的改變內涵。本研究目的在瞭解高齡者參與學習後在個人、家庭與社區等三層面的轉化。研究者採質性研究法,以半結構深度訪談的方式,選取臺灣雲嘉鄉村地區積極參與學習的11名高齡者為對象,年齡介於53~81歲,平均學習年資為3.6年。研究結果顯示:一、個人層面:包括找朋友陪,到融入群體、有學習同儕、受激勵並效法,經歷轉化歷程中的探索角色關係、互動、建立新關係和整合;二、家庭層面:主要呈現在認識自我並有家人正面回應、聯繫家庭感情,分別涵蓋轉化歷程中的瞭解自我、新互動關係;三、社區層面:與教師及工作人員有連結、獲知能力、服務社區,經歷有新互動、習得知能和觀點整合的歷程。
英文摘要 Education and learning had been coming into focus in Taiwan’s aged society. Learning tactics empowered individuals facing their development task and aging process. Individuals were empowered to change; nevertheless, the transformative learning theory was studied on learner’s transformative process. The purposes of this study were to understand the transformation process including individual, family and community aspect of older adults participated in Active Aging Learning Centers (AALCs). This study conducted qualitative research and semi-structure in depth interview. 11 older adults aged 53-81 which lived in the middle country side of Taiwan and learning average 3.6 years were participated. The results showed: (1) In individual aspect consisted with the transformative process of new roles, relationships, interactions and reintegration were: Transferred from sought for friends to have a group of partner; developed new relationships and interactions with peer group; inspired from peer and followed their role model. (2) The results in family aspect consisted with the process of self awareness and new relations were: Learned to know themselves and received a positive response; build close family relationships. (3) The results in community aspect consisted with new interactions, acquiring knowledge and reintegration were: Related to AALCs’ teachers and employees; learned to know their capability; learned to dedicate themselves to community.
頁次 001-030
關鍵詞 高齡者 高齡學習 轉化內涵 older adults older adults’ learning transformative contents
卷期 32
日期 201906
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等
DOI 10.3966/181880012019060032001