

篇名 “双减”背景下的中小学课后服务:问题检视与实践超越
並列篇名 After-School Services in Compulsory Education Against the Backdrop of the “Double Reduction” Policy: Problem Scanning and Practice Surmounting
作者 高巍(Gao Wei) 、周嘉腾(Zhou Jiateng) 、李梓怡(Li Ziyi)
中文摘要 我国的中小学课后服务经历了萌芽与初创、探索与发展、拓展与深化的历史进程。“双减”政策的出台标志着我国中小学课后服务发展迈向历史新阶段。在“双减”背景下,中小学课后服务存在着诸多实践误识与价值遮蔽,主要表现在被误读的课后服务概念与课后服务的方向偏倚、被忽视的课后服务教师与课后服务的反向增负,以及被遗忘的课后服务立场与课后服务的价值失序。“双减”本真的政策意蕴是将促进学生全面发展作为价值旨归,将实现师生协同成长作为应然追求,将坚决贯彻公平原则作为基本立场。课后服务的实践进路是创建以综合性实践育人为旨趣的课后服务课程体系,组建以家校社协同参与为内核的课后服务师资团队,构建以公平为基本价值取向的课后服务保障体系,以此来全面提升中小学课后服务的质量。
英文摘要 After-school service policy in compulsory education in China has gone through a historical process of start-up, development, and expansion. The launch of the “Double Reduction” policy marks that the growth of after-school services in primary and secondary schools in China has entered a new development stage. Under the background of the “Double Reduction” policy, there are various practical misunderstandings and value shadings in after-school service in compulsory schooling, which are mainly reflected in the misunderstood concept and direction bias of after-school service, the neglected role of after-school service teachers with reverse burden, and the forgotten stance and disorder of after-school service. The original policy implication of the “Double Reduction” policy should be to promote the all-round development of students as the value aim, to realize the coordinated growth between teachers and students as the should-be pursuit, and to resolutely implement the principle of fairness as the basic position of after-school services. The practical solutions are to creative the after-school service curriculum system with the purpose of comprehensive practice education, establish the after-school service teaching team with the core of home-school-community collaborative involvement, and build the after-school service safety net with basic value orientation of educational equality, in that case to completely improve quality of after-school service.
頁次 035-041
關鍵詞 “双减”政策 课后服务 教育质量 “Double Reduction” policy after-school service education quality CSSCI
卷期 424
日期 202205
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社