篇名 試從荀子「化性起偽」論述反思我國當前品德教育之推動
並列篇名 Rethinking the Implementation of Taiwan’s Current Character and Moral Education in Light of Xunzi’s Thought on “Transform Human Nature by Human Activity (Huaxing qiwei)”
作者 李彥儀(Yen-Yi Lee)
中文摘要 本文旨在探討荀子「化性起偽」—要言之,透過諸如禮樂和師友的外在輔助,逐漸轉化人之心性,使人為善—論述,反思我國當前品德教育之推動。筆者分別就「『性』者,本始材朴也」、「『心』的性質、地位和養心之術」、「『禮』的涵義及其與『師』的作用」,闡述荀子「化性起偽」要旨,並據以檢視《教育部品德教育促進方案》內容。筆者指出,「性」與「心」對應受教者本身的性格與品行,「禮」對應品德教育環境,「師」則對應推動或教導品德教育的相關教育人員,筆者並聚焦分析6E教學方法,對比思索荀子「化性起偽」論述對教育部及直轄市與縣市政府、各級學校、家庭與社會等層級的實施策略的可能啟示。筆者亦指出該方案及相關措施的不足,包括:一、當前師資培育課程欠缺培育師資生推動品德教育所需之相應職前教育能力與素養的課程規劃;二、欠缺對人性人的圖像或理想公民圖像的深入探討。
英文摘要 This paper aims to unpack the insights of Xunzi’s thought from “transforming human nature by human activity (Huaxing qiwei)” and its implications for the implementation of character and moral education in Taiwan. The author illustrates the core essence of Xunzi’s thought by explicating the notions of mind-heart (xin), nature (xing), teacher and ritual, and exploring their interrelationships. These four notions are then used as elements to review Taiwan’s current character and moral education, with a specific focus on the Guidelines for Facilitating Character and/or Moral Education Programs. Building upon this examination, the author further investigates the strategies proposed by the Guidelines for implementing character and moral education. By doing so, the implications of Xunzi’s thought for the current implementation of Taiwan’s character and moral education are examined. However, the author also identifies two points of deficiency in the related policy. Firstly, the curriculum of Taiwan’s current teacher education lacks courses specifically designed to cultivate the capacity of pre-service teachers to conduct character and moral education in the classroom. Secondly, it neglects to provide a clear illustration of human nature and an ideal image of a citizen.
頁次 081-115
關鍵詞 化性起偽 品德教育 荀子 儒家 transforming human nature by human activity character and moral education Xunzi Confucianism TSSCI
卷期 61
日期 202312
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.53106/156335272023120061003