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篇名 校長專業發展的新取向:變革免疫模式
並列篇名 New Direction for Professional Development of Principals: The Immunity to Change Framework
作者 吳新傑(Jason Hsin-chieh Wu)
中文摘要 本文旨在介紹教育心理學家Kegan與Lahey(2004)所提出的變革免疫專業發展模式,探討其重要性、原理、實踐以及可能的應用。本文首先說明為何教育領導者面對教育變革中之調適性挑戰時需要提升其心智複雜度,以及為何現有的校長專業發展模式難以促成提升心智複雜度所需的轉型學習。接著,介紹變革免疫模式的理論依據與具體做法,說明其如何能克服現有專業發展的不足,協助參與者進行轉型學習,進而達成克服個人的變革免疫與提升心智複雜度的目標。最後,則提出此模式在我國校長專業發展中可能的應用,以期能為我國校長專業發展帶來新的可能性。
英文摘要 This article aims to introduce the immunity to change framework proposed by educational psychologists Kegan and Lahey (2004), and to discuss its importance, mechanism, practice, and possible applications. This article first explains why education leaders need to increase their complexity of consciousness when facing the adaptive challenges of educational reforms, and why the current principals’ professional development framework cannot facilitate the transformational learning needed to increase the complexity of consciousness. After that, the author introduces the theoretical basis and practices of the immunity to change framework, and explains how it can overcome the shortcomings of existing professional development frameworks to assist participants in transforming learning, and achieve the goal of overcoming immunity to change, and elevate complexity of consciousness. Last, the author gives examples of possible applications of this framework in the current professional development of principals. Hope this article could bring new possibilities for the professional development of principals in my country.
頁次 097-110
關鍵詞 心智複雜度 校長專業發展 調適性挑戰 轉型學習 變革免疫 complexity of consciousness principal professional development adaptive challenge transformational learning immunity to change
卷期 322
日期 202102
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602021020322007