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篇名 國民小學校長在職場學習的核心:溝通與反思
並列篇名 The Core of Principal Learning at Work: Communication and Reflection
作者 林明地(Ming-Dih Lin)
中文摘要 本文運用訪談研究法,探討國小校長在職場上的學習。本研究於2019年11月至2020年3月分別進行四次個別訪談、兩次團體訪談(一次兩位校長、一次六位校長),總計訪談12位國小校長(其中一位為國中小校長),訪談的主要方向是了解校長在擔任校長後學習到的經驗、目標、學習方式,以及從不同互動對象學習到的內容。根據研究目的,本文獲致三項結論:一、溝通與反思是國小校長在職場學習的重點;二、國小校長在溝通的學習與運用偏重溝通形式,較少提及溝通內容;三、國小校長的反思學習與運用較偏重反思內容,而較少涉及反思形式,其原因待進一步深入探究。本文最後提出幾項建議供校長學習與未來研究參考。
英文摘要 Utilizing the method of interview, this paper investigated the learning of 12 practicing elementary principals. This study conducted four individual interviews and two focus group interviews to collect data November 2019 to March 2020. The focuses of interviews are ways and experiences of learning of practicing elementary principals. There are three conclusions to this study. First, communication and reflection are the core of principal learning at work. Second, in terms of the learning and application of communication, principals focus more on the styles that they use to communicate rather than the contents. Finally, in reflection, principals focus more on the contents that they learn rather than the styles. It requires further investigations to study the details in the future. The authors provided several suggestions for the reference to principal learning and further studies.
頁次 082-096
關鍵詞 反思內容與形式 校長學習 溝通內容與形式 the contents and styles of reflection principal learning the contents and styles of communication
卷期 322
日期 202102
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602021020322006