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篇名 什么导致技术在课堂难尽其用?——基于认知与情感视角的教师信息化教学行为意向影响因素研究
並列篇名 What Makes Technology Hard to be Effective in Primary and Secondary School Classrooms? Influencing Factors of Teachers’ Behavioral Intention of Informationized Teaching from Cognitive and Emotional Perspectives
作者 白雪梅(BAI Xuemei) 、顾小清(GU Xiaoqing)
中文摘要 现有针对教师信息化教学行为意向的研究中,缺乏同时关注教师个体知识与情感对教师信息化教学行为意向影响的研究。本研究探析认知和情感维度影响教师信息化教学行为意向的因素,发现:在认知方面,教师的技术知识、整合技术的教学法知识及整合技术的学科教学知识对教师信息化教学行为意向有显著影响,其他四类知识对教师信息化教学行为意向无显著影响;在情感方面,教师对技术教学应用的感知有用性、行为态度及自我效能感变量对教师信息化教学行为意向有显著影响,而感知易用性对教师信息化教学行为意向无显著影响,感知行为控制对教师信息化教学行为意向有显著负影响。文章基于研究发现从认知和情感两方面就如何提升中小学教师信息化教学行为意向,促进我国中小学课堂技术使用提出了建议。
英文摘要 This paper analyzes the factors that affect teachers’ behavioral intention of informationized teaching from both the perspectives of cognition, belief, and emotion. Through regression analysis, it is found that in terms of cognition, technological knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge, and technological pedagogical content knowledge have a significant impact on teachers’ behavioral intention of informationized teaching, while other four types of knowledge have no impact on teachers’ behavioral intention of informationized teaching. In terms of beliefs and emotions, perceived usefulness, attitude toward behavior and self-efficacy have a significant impact on teachers’ behavioral intention of informationized teaching, while perceived ease of use has no significant impact on teachers’ behavioral intention of informationized teaching, and perceived behavior control has a significant negative impact on teachers’ behavioral intention of informationized teaching. According to research findings, this paper propose suggestions on how to improve teachers’ behavioral intention of informationized teaching from both the cognitive and emotional aspects, in order to promote the use of classroom technology in primary and secondary schools in China.
頁次 086-094
關鍵詞 信息化教学行为意向 技术教学应用 teachers’ behavioral intention of informationized teaching integrating technology inteaching CSSCI
卷期 26:4
日期 202008
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2020.04.010