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篇名 制度理论视角下中国跨境合作大学的组织张力研究
並列篇名 Organizational Tensions of Cross-border Joint-universities in China: An Institutional Perspective
作者 覃云云(QIN Yunyun) 、尤铮(YOU Zheng) 、白杰瑞(POSTIGLIONE Gerard)
中文摘要 跨境合作大学是教育国际化进程的前沿实践模式,也是中国高等教育在地国际化的重要路径。以制度分析三支柱与制度构建的代理人框架为理论基础,综合运用田野观察、深度访谈和文本分析等质性研究方法,本研究发现:跨境合作大学在与外部制度环境的互动过程中,主要形成了五对组织张力,即伙伴张力、模式张力、政校张力、家校张力和认同张力。这一系列组织张力背后是政府的逻辑、教育的逻辑和家庭的逻辑相互作用和影响的结果。
英文摘要 The increasing numbers of cross-border joint-universities have demonstrated the deepening of educational globalization. This research examines the interaction between cross-border joint-universities and their institutional environments in mainland China, by using institutional theories in organizational sociology and qualitative research methods. It is found that five pairs of organizational tensions have emerged, which are specifically tensions between organizational cooperation and conflicts, between educational internationalization and localization, between government support and university autonomy, between parental participation and students' independence, and between their self-identification and social recognition. The organizational tensions are the result of various interactions among multiple institutional logics.
頁次 121-128
關鍵詞 跨境高等教育 中外合作办学 制度主义 组织张力 cross-border higher education Sino-foreign cooperation institutionalism organizational tensions CSSCI
卷期 22:1
日期 202402
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學