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篇名 世界一流教育学院使命陈述研究——基于39所世界一流教育学院使命文本的分析
並列篇名 Mission Statement of World-class Institutes of Education: Based on the Research of 39 World-class Institutes of Education
作者 韦凤彩(WEI Fengcai) 、阳荣威(YANG Rongwei)
中文摘要 使命陈述是学院办学理念的核心体现,可为学院工作开展以及未来的发展方向提供指引。世界一流教育学院都凝练出了体现自身办学定位与自身特色的使命陈述。它们的使命陈述具有共同的表现特征,包括重视教学与科研的卓越发展,努力打造全球教育的标杆;拥有培养杰出人才的旨趣,致力于培养行业的领军人物;以推动知识创新进步为己任,追求引领的国际地位;秉承公平公正的服务理念,丰富教育对社会的贡献;注重对外交流与合作,不断提升自身地位和影响力;尊重多样性与多元化,营造兼容并包的环境。这对继续推进世界一流教育学院的卓越发展不无裨益。
英文摘要 Mission statement, the core embodiment of the institute's educational philosophy, provides guidance for the instituted work conduction and future development. World-Class institutes of education have formed the mission statement that can reflect their own orientation and characteristics of the institute. Their mission statements have common performance characteristics, including focusing on the excellent development of teaching and scientific research to build the benchmark of global education; having the will of cultivating outstanding talents, and strive to cultivate the leading figures in the industry; being responsible for promoting the develop progress of knowledge, pursuing innovation led international status; persisting the notion of fairness and justice and enriching the contribution of education to society; paying attention to exchanges and cooperation with foreign countries and constantly enhancing their own status and influence; respecting diversity and creating an inclusive environment. These notions are beneficial to continue to promote the outstanding development of world-class institutes of education.
頁次 046-055
關鍵詞 世界一流教育学院 使命陈述 文本分析 world-class institute of education mission statement textual analysis CSSCI
卷期 44:5
日期 202205
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所
DOI 10.20013/j.cnki.ICE.2022.05.05