

篇名 融入越南文化之反偏見課程行動研究:教學歷程與幼兒族群關係發展
並列篇名 An Action Research on a Vietnamese Culturally-Integrated Anti-Bias Curriculum: The Development of the Curriculum and the Kindergarteners’ Ethnic Group Relations
作者 張曉婷(Hsiao-Ting Chang) 、辛靜婷(Ching-Ting Hsin)
中文摘要 本行動研究呈現融入越南文化反偏見課程之教學歷程,及探討幼兒族群關係之發展。第一作者在南部一所國小附幼任教並邀請協同教師、30位幼兒及家長參與研究,蒐集及分析訪談、觀察、專家會議、省思札記等資料。行動初期教師文化知能不足與幼兒族群關係薄弱,因應策略為諮詢多元意見、設計由淺入深活動、及運用社區越南資源。中期少數幼兒對越南族群具負向態度,解決方法為引導幼兒對差異正向表達、利用戲劇和繪本深化對偏見的理解與提出反偏見策略。後期幼兒誤解越南文化,因應策略為探訪新住民家庭知識基金、扮演越南小吃店情境、及比較臺越文化。幼兒族群態度由多數正向表淺轉為全數正向親近;族群認知從缺乏轉為豐富;新住民之子族群認同,一位從表淺到豐富、從怯於表達到主動有歸屬感,一位從冷淡到親近、從缺乏動機到被動分享,但仍以主流文化優先。
英文摘要 The purpose of this research is to explore the development of a curriculum in which Vietnamese culture was integrated. It also investigated the possible changes in ethnic group relations of the kindergarteners after implementing the curriculum. The first author is the teacher of a kindergarten, affiliated to an elementary school in southern Taiwan. She invited the co-teacher, her 30 children, and their parents to participate in this study. The research tools include interviews, observations, expert meeting notes, and reflective journals, with all data finally gathered and analyzed. At beginning, as the research has little knowledge about Vietnam culture and the children had a weak ethnic relation with the Vietnamese new-immigrant families, she consulted various people who are familiar with the target culture, designed activities from easy to in-depth, and used Vietnamese resources in the community. Then, as some children had negative attitudes toward Vietnamese culture, the researcher guided them to behave properly during facing different cultures. She also used plays and stories to help them understand several bias, incorporated with some anti-bias strategies at the same time. Finally, if children misunderstood anything about Vietnamese culture, the teacher would explore the funds of knowledge offered by the new-immigrant families, guide them to role play in the context of a Vietnamese restaurant, and do some cross-cultural comparisons. Gradually, the children’s attitudes toward the Vietnamese and its related culture changed from “mostly superficially positive” to “entirely sincerely positive.” The children’s knowledge of Vietnamese culture also changed from “deficient” to “rich and detailed.” Regarding the ethnic identity of children of Vietnamese new-immigrant, a student, among all, changed from “shy to express” to “positive with a sense of belongingness”; while another one changed from “lacking motivation” to “sharing Vietnamese culture if he has been asked, though he remains his identity mainly in the mainstream culture.”
頁次 109-140
關鍵詞 文化融入 族群關係 新住民子女 越南 知識基金 culturally integrated ethnic group relations new-immigrant children Vietnam funds of knowledge TSSCI
卷期 23:3
日期 202007
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202007_23(3).0005